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These things are AWESOME!! My Classic Mini is going to get the nice stickers since my 09 already has M/A stickers on it. I'll try to get...
Motoring Alliance now has an uprated membership program with lots of extras for subscribers. First off, I feel it is important to note that none...
Anybody heard from this member? I forgot his name but he posted up a lot of photos of his old ride and said he was going to get his new ride soon....
Just wanted to say Hi and introduce myself. I'm from the Pittsburgh, PA area and just purchased a 2010 Oxygen Blue MINI Cooper last weekend....
Hi all, Eli from Northern Utah here. I've liked minis as long as I can remember and finally picked mine up in August '09. Sheila is a...
Like most sane people, I've always wanted a mini. Never got one though; till now and under what have to be considered the best of circumstances....
Hello MINI world. I purchased an 02 S earlier in the week. My first MINI. Joined MA and PittStop today. I look forward to contributing as well as...
Seems like when I click the unique Member's Gallery link located under the Stage indicator on a post, it always takes you to the main Gallery...
Hi guys, Just got a link over from Upstate Minis and decided to check out MA. So far, I like what I see! Later, Mike
Hey folks, I just created my account here, but some of you may have run across me on other forums under the same user name. I'm always...
El Prez (Chuck) turned us on to this site in our newsletter. Looking good! Sorta famillar but not as stuffy! Was wondering where some of y'all...