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SOOOooo..... you add a cam, bump the rpm levels up. POWER Is there.... Or Your Track Car is running will into the 8000+ rev showing the others...
SAINT LOUIS MINI CLUB LAND OF LINCOLN RALLYE SATURDAY APRIL 17, 2010 Starting Location: Huck’s Store (BP Gas Station) 5608 Humbert Road,...
Come join the Chicago MINI Motoring Club on our 8th annual Spring Drive on Saturday April 17th. We will be starting in Libertyville and heading...
i have an 04mcs with a tsw 19mm rsb, i love it! I am a lurker i read allot don't say much but i am pretty sure i have read all that i can. I'm...
Got all 3 Mini's cleaned over the weekend. Still need to do interiors. [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
Finally ... a Performance Valve Spring KIT designed esp for the MINI!! Race your MINI? Are you sliding out of the turns and hovering at 8000...
Some develpment work at Helix: YouTube - Turbo Encabulator
Where are you going to be Saturday May 23, 2009? The Detroit Tuned Spring Clean up Party! Starting Noonish :D till who knows when. ;)...