Most liked posts in thread: 2015 MINI Sports Car?

  1. GokartPilot

    GokartPilot Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2012
    training specialist
    Maysville, North Carolina USA
    +791 / 0 / -0
    Looks pretty good, I would go for it just because it is a two seater.:drool I will have to admit though the first thing that came to mind was it kind of remindeds me of a Miata, just my opinion. it seems to fit in that template anyway. Once I got passed that I was thinking there is some Z4 influence around the windscreen and the A panel area. I think it definitely looks more MINI in the bonnet and boot area compared to the F56.:Thumbsup: I still have issues with the tail lights and the fact you won’t be able to get it in red.
  2. TheModFather

    TheModFather Well-Known Member

    May 15, 2012
    11 years in the ARMY, 2 years of being a multitale
    North Denver CO.
    +5,322 / 0 / -0
    I must be the only SOB that likes the tail lights.