So the other day one of our IT consultants was talking about his new SAN at home and some of the throughput he's getting to the Net, etc and I was feeling rather down about the lowly perforance I was getting from my home wireless. Granted Dean spends a lot of money on home infrastructure and also has the "Nitro" package (100Mbps download) so he's bound to get way better performance than I will. Eventually the conversation came around to my wireless router, and old generation 1 Linksys WRT54G. He suggested I buy a referbished WRT160N. So I went on Craigslist that afternoon and found a nearly new WRT160N v3 for $20. The guy even drove across town to my backyard to make the transaction. Well I must say that was the best $20 I've spent in a long time. Switching to a new router and going from 802.11g to 802.11n has made a big difference. Using to take multiple performance measures at various times of day before and after the change over I'm generally seeing a 20%-25% performance improvement. Even the couple of 802.11g cards that I have that are not 'n' capable are seeing some modest improvements due to the increased efficiency of the newer router. For those of you still using an old router find yourself a refurbished or used one and do the upgrade, you'll be glad you did.