TPR1 and adj. cam gear Adjusted Camshaft Gear. They have been out for the r50/r53s for years. People buy them and install them.. however is the advantage of an adjustable cam gear used on most of those applications?? NO!! Well, Why?? Here are just a few reasons.. 1) most enthusiast are not equipt to 'degree the camshaft ' . OHC FWD is hard to do in the car, esp when there are NO visible timing marks on the engine. 2) After they find the Cam Phase ( degree's), then they really have no idea on where to set the camshaft "in" . 3) There are only a few camshafts that actually provide cam profiles ( cam card) to help determine where to set the cam for YOUR application. And with out the Cam Card, the need to 'Degree the camshaft' is paramount. Why even care?? There has always been more power in any given camshaft, and some Engine Builders use that add'l power to make their engine stronger than their competition. Thru Computer simulation, experience of actually changing the cam phase during events, or during Street applications. This knowledge isnt secret.... but it can be guarded . I now offer the complete setup for you r50/r53. It will add gains to the OEM camshaft installed, or MORE power to the existing Aftermarket Camshaft installed. When you purchase the TPR Ported Head, Camshaft, and Cam gear.. You will receive the combination set up to YOUR Needs. ( Street - Aggressive Street- Weekend Track- Full track) For more info Please email me at: [email protected]
Adjusted Cam Gear is offered for $250.00 This Cam Gear will be set up to your cam spec. You supply YOUR Cam Spec, and I will 'degree' the Cam Gear for you. Then, this is just a bolt on replacement. Get the advantage of setting YOUR cam phase , without having to do all the degreeing set up. Of course following the Thumper Performance Shipping policy, it is FREE in the US! Thanks Thumper
IF there is an adjustable cam gear in your engine, that WASNT degreed for your spec .. I can Adjust those also.... $49.95 IF you are running the r50 with an OEM cam.. this is a great bump for you. The r53's also like it, with the oem camshaft. Just me.................................. Thumper
Here is a dyno from Germany showing the Power differances in Just changing the position of the OEM camshaft!! SOOoo.... if you have an adjustable Cam gear that wasnt set for you, or you dont know where or how to change you cam phase.. I can do that for you also ( Adjust your cam to your spec with your adjustable cam gear: $49.95 ) No adjustable cam gear?? Thumper Performance AdjustED cam gear $250.00Thanks Thumper
If you installed a camshaft for more power, this could be the future!! Gains are all over , however it appears there is another 5-6.8 WHP More and 10-12.1 more torque. It is usually from 2800- red line !! With most of the gains right in that 'sweet spot', where we do most of our aggressive drives and track. Some cams respond better than others... Here are some gains from one " Degreed" Performance camshaft I used on my 06 r53... And ist that why we bought a camshaft after all?? Power?? Thumper Performance AdjustED Cam Gear: $225.00 Info?? [email protected] Thanks Thumper
Here is another example of a degreed camsghaft ... from way back in 2008!! Power is there.... Thumper