I had never seen this before (search here showed nothing) so I thought I would report. You just spray it directly on a dry, clean tire and walk away. No rubbing or anything and the runs take care of themselves. It has been two days since I applied it and the tries still actually look wet. I like it. Jim
Does it toss schmutz onto the side of the car when driving? Thats my biggest issue with some of these products since my tires stick out a little from the wheel well I end up with all these splatters of tire dressing on the door.
Nope, not that I can see. You let it dry for five minutes and it seems to stay put. The shine is really a wet look, like you just hosed the tire. I'll have to try it on my kitchen floor next. :cornut: Jim
I'm not a big gloss guy and I got turned on to the the Zaino tire dressing. Goes on easy with a applicator, no schmutz spray on the side of the car, lasts through several rain storms and puts on a really nice matte/low gloss finish
Then you will not like this product. I do like the shine and this stuff looks wet, even after four days and counting. Jim
Jim over in PA are you exposed to much rain/wet weather? I'm curious how it holds up in those conditions
It has been raining all day thus far. so when the sun comes out tomorrow I'll give ya a report. Jim BTW: No pun intended to the movie Annie. :nonod:
It sounds like it has been raining in your area for weeks, no wonder your tires look wet:useless Mark
It really hasn't and this stuff is really holding up,. I'll post pictures, but you have to like the wet look to like it. Jim
Nice to hear about a product that works. While I am not a fan of the wet look on tires my wife is so I may try that on her Forester. Nathan thanks for the new word. My MINI has 2,300 miles of schmutz on it, formerly known as carp. I'll be busy this afternoon deschmutzing it.
I think Babs is to smart for that plan. :yesnod: Just got done decarpifieying my MINI. All schmutz has been banished. Back on topic... Shiney tires made dull I used some Stoners tire shine I had in my car drug collection. Sprayed it on & then wiped it down with a rag. Not too shiney, just right finish.
After my Saturday ritual of car washing, i tried this product on my tires. I must admit it made the tires "Shimmer". I went for a casual ride down A1A (Beach) and to my dismay, Yikes! Schmutz (Armorall) was all over the paint on both sides of my mini.