This was very cool! Canadian human-powered plane sets record [ame=""]HPO MVI 0043 on Vimeo[/ame] [ame=]HPO Flight on Vimeo[/ame]
I didn't know a Smart car could pull that much:lol:. Pretty cool when those wings started flapping. Mark
They said the wingspan is about the same as a 747 yet the whole thing weights 43KG (90lbs). Pretty amazing. The engineer/pilot who flew it, had to loose 10lbs before the flight
So this means I would need to get my wife to get up in the morning and tow me down the street before I can fly to work? Not happening.
What record did it set, shortest distance flown by a flapping wing plane? I know someone flew a HPV plane across the English channel - years ago.... Yep looked it up, the Gossamer Albatross in here... [ame=""][/ame]
Dave, yes nobody has ever flapped their way into history before. Lots of HPV with propellers but none with a moving wing