[GMAP]<iframe width="425" height="350" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src="http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=E+Center%2FE+Wickenburg+Way&daddr=34.48044,-113.19908+to:34.42661,-112.58522+to:34.64212,-112.30684+to:AZ-179+N&geocode=FfRdBgIdrvxH-Q%3BFTghDgIdGLhA-Sl3-C6kufrSgDHXDRULDwzkyg%3BFfJODQId_BVK-SnD4f7aEtUshzFwrQirwLp5MA%3BFciYEAIdaFVO-Smh4Ss6EyMthzG2EmqJQ1Mz9g%3BFRDkEwId9J1W-Q&hl=en&mra=dpe&mrsp=2&sz=10&via=1,2,3&sll=34.454483,-112.247314&sspn=1.088204,2.113495&ie=UTF8&ll=34.454483,-112.247314&spn=1.088204,2.113495&output=embed"></iframe><br /><small><a href="http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=embed&saddr=E+Center%2FE+Wickenburg+Way&daddr=34.48044,-113.19908+to:34.42661,-112.58522+to:34.64212,-112.30684+to:AZ-179+N&geocode=FfRdBgIdrvxH-Q%3BFTghDgIdGLhA-Sl3-C6kufrSgDHXDRULDwzkyg%3BFfJODQId_BVK-SnD4f7aEtUshzFwrQirwLp5MA%3BFciYEAIdaFVO-Smh4Ss6EyMthzG2EmqJQ1Mz9g%3BFRDkEwId9J1W-Q&hl=en&mra=dpe&mrsp=2&sz=10&via=1,2,3&sll=34.454483,-112.247314&sspn=1.088204,2.113495&ie=UTF8&ll=34.454483,-112.247314&spn=1.088204,2.113495" style="color:#0000FF;text-align:left">View Larger Map</a></small>[/GMAP] This is, frankly, one of the most beautiful drives I have encountered in the U.S. If you are a photographer, you will want to stop every 1/4 mile or so because a whole new vista will open before you that you will want to capture. The last time I was there (been a while!), Prescott was a great little town. The main square, built around the court house, still had its original whiskey row and some of the saloons still had bullet holes in the ceiling from the days when shooting your gun indoors was acceptable behavior! Jerome was another treat along the path. It was/is an artist's colony built into/onto the cliffs along the road. Very cool place. Enjoy!
I can verify... the Jerome/Prescott area is a BLAST to drive! Previous history on those roads was in a 95 Civic hatch(healthy mods!) and a 92 Nissan 300zx (VERY healthy mods)
As a resident of the state, I can verify this is indeed one of the most enjoyable trips to take in a MINI. Lots of curves, views, and fun little towns to explore. I try to do this trip at least once a year (if not more! )
Agree, that drive is one of the best ever. However, be careful as the cops know this too...they will wait on side of the road after blind twisties, and as you come flyin' around, its too late...they'll get ya. They got a GP in the local club last time I was up there with them....
I used to drive that route several times a year in my Evo when I lived in AZ, and the Prescott-Valley to Cottonwood was my favorite section. Amazing views, and lots of twisties! Definitely one of the best drives.
Highway 88 from Apache Junction to Canyon Lake. Get there early before the slowpokes clog it up and a fun twisty ride can be had in your awesome MINI.