I once knew a guy who spent too much time rubbing his k-brace with his catalytic converter.
He went blind.
Tummi_Gummi New Member
Just wanted to thank you Dave. I got the plate back on. I had to use some self tapping bolts and drill through the plate to put it on because 4/6 broke in half when I took it off last. But it fixed my issue. Quite a bit of vibration added to my floor board from that! Won't matter though I'm putting the torque solution mount back in the car so that will drown it out anyways.
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Way Motor Works New Member
I've seen a few different braces hit the cats as the flaw is just in the shape and design of the brace. Therefore we don't install or recommend those braces. You also shouldn't get vibration in the floor after installing the brace, that is really odd. The brace should stiffen the car.
You were correct if you have worn engine mounts the engine can rock more and give you the rattle against the brace.-
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Dave.0 Helix & RMW PoweredLifetime Supporter
300 HP on that engine...225k miles, right? Probably be cheaper to get an engine built for 300HP rather than try to do it with add-ons. If you're going to stay with that engine block, the first thing you need is to get it thoroughly tested.
First, your cam isn't going to help you. 440's will probably need to be replaced with 550's. You're going to need something other than the stock SC, either Rotrex, TVS (which I'm guessing will be your best bet), etc to get there. A cheap header is NOT the way to get to 300HP, that's the least of your worries, especially until you get a BVH, which you'll also need to get to 300HP. The wires don't matter. One stage colder plugs won't be enough. The intercooler won't add power, but will help you keep the power you have from evaporating in the heat. If you're truly going for 300HP, it's going to be expensive, and cutting corners isn't the way to go.
Exactly what/why do you want 300HP? It's just a number. If you have a goal in mind, i.e. the track, then more comes into play, if it's just 300HP, it's easier, but not sure why you'd want it.-
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Dave.0 Helix & RMW PoweredLifetime Supporter
Tummi_Gummi New Member
I'd upload pictures but the tapatalk app won't let me.
Dave.0 Helix & RMW PoweredLifetime Supporter
That plate with the exhaust rubber bushing hold the exhaust up and keep the header flex joint from flexing too much. You better fix it soon because the next thing that will happen is your flex joint will fail.
Good luck -
Tummi_Gummi New Member
Oh wow okay thanks Dave! Those bushings to me just seemed so weak!
Dave.0 Helix & RMW PoweredLifetime Supporter
Nice job glad I could help out.
Tummi_Gummi New Member
Haha now my next projects to come are seafoam clean my motor, ignition kit, intercooler with diverted plate, find and install best cam, alta cold air, aluminum coolant tank, competition clutch and flywheel kit, radiator hose kit, water pump, 440cc injectors, positive steering rack response kit, tune and some other suspension mods. I'm waiting on a large sum of money from selling my Garrett turbo kit I had for my other car which I'm not turning bone stock and taking all funds and pouring into the mini. Stoked to see what this beast will be like and if I can get it into the 300hp range.
Will need a lot more to get 300 hp and alta CIA will lose you onus sucking in all the engine heat better of with stock than alta, stock intercooler with diverter will suck if you have cams me injectors need a gp intercooler at least and the 440 spray pattern isn't great better of with the 550s, also get your engine mounts changed you should see or feel that engine moving
Tummi_Gummi New Member
Okay so msd ignition, Ngk if wires, one stage colder plugs, gp intercooler and diverter, ns2 cam, which intake should I go for then? I believe a tune is in order, would I notice any power gains from any of those 300$ headers? I can't remember the brand but I say it on way motor works site. What all am I missing? I have invidia cat back exhaust and a 15% reduction pulley. I could go with the competition clutch which will pull 15lbs or so off my flywheel/clutch assembly, should I do a 2% oversize pulley? Would I still be shy of 300whp?
Also I wonder about this dfi for the minis that's come out. Is it worth the extra $$$ -
Obx 4-2-1, with the mods above you would be looking at 220whp roughly so not near 300, either get a jcw air box and de-flap it or these which are all tried and tested better than any open cones filters http://www.minitorque.com/forum/f610/hybrid-airbox-feedback-3221/
Or make your own -
Crashton Club Coordinator
Don't waste your money on the MSD ignition. The stock ones are fine, paint it red for more engine bay bling. :wink: As far as squeezing a high mileage engine that hard goes, you may end up rebuilding sooner than later. I understand the needs & wants of modding, but you have a high mileage motor. Proceed with caution.
Tummi_Gummi New Member
Well you guys got point. I may just spend some money on a dfi, coil overs and a tune and call it good. I saw some Megan coil overs but said they may require 2-3mm wheel spacers. I have sparco asseto garas they are 17x7 with 225/45/17s on em. Think I'd need spacers? I really can't stick my wheels out anymore