1st Gen R52 Cooper Convertible Change to the aerodynamics

Discussion in '1st Generation: 2002–06 R50, R53 & 2004–08 R52' started by phydeaux, Nov 17, 2010.

  1. Justa Jim

    Justa Jim Well-Known Member
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    May 6, 2009
    +1,685 / 0 / -0
    Noise level and hard to use rear window are and always have been a problem with convertibles. The rear window in my old TR was plastic, so after a year it was brown and worthless. They were designed to have the top down, not up, which does not fit everyone or everyplace. Perhaps she would he happier with a hard top.

  2. Friskie

    Friskie Well-Known Member

    Jul 20, 2009
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    In the here and now, for now.
    +1,339 / 0 / -0
    My TR was a '62 and the top never went up. I had it where afternoon rain showers were quite common year 'round so I drilled a few holes in the floor boards so the water could drain out. Made driving thru puddles an adventure good for a laugh at the expense of the unsuspecting passenger.:devil:
  3. Onramp

    Onramp Enjoy the Hiways of Life!
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    +57 / 0 / -0
    I have the rear wing extension. Doesn't work, at least in the Seattle area.

  4. Angib

    Angib New Member

    Nov 25, 2009
    (Old) England
    +425 / 0 / -0
    But you can get to test the effectiveness of your wiper blade aerodynamics.

    I switched to flat blade Bosch and it took me a while to work out where the strange new vibration was coming from - the vortex generated by the wiper blade spoiler (well, the blade is all spoiler) is shed over the roof of the car when the wiper is upright and is audible through the convertible top. Something like "buzz, buzz" made by a bee with a heavy lisp. I rather like it now.
  5. Gutterman

    Gutterman Member

    Apr 24, 2011
    +0 / 0 / -0
    #25 Gutterman, Oct 14, 2011
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2011
    07 Mini cooper S convertible need suggestions, would a rear spoiler help keep dust out of mini with top down or up ? or is it just for looks , I have seen the one at Moss Mini or is there a better one ? I need to have front bumper painted could have both done at same time. Bring it on.
  6. Crashton

    Crashton Club Coordinator

    Jun 4, 2009
    Retired old fart
    Hooterville Ohio USA
    +11,667 / 2 / -0
    That is interesting. My tin topped MINI has no such sounds, but it doesn't have a flexible roof.

    Non-MINI story> I had a Subaru Forester that had the oddest sound coming from the roof. Not all the time, but occasionally. After much head scratching I found that the cross bars on the roof rack were installed backwards. Flipped them & strange sound gone. I almost went nuts.... :crazy:
  7. Angib

    Angib New Member

    Nov 25, 2009
    (Old) England
    +425 / 0 / -0
    I can't see anything like that would help. Even here in Britain, where there is more rain than dust, the interior of my often-open convertible collects dust like it was going out of style.

    As I see it, the physics goes like this:
    - Air containing a small amount of dust is flowing over the car - unless you only drive in the rain, nothing will change that.
    - There is a relatively low airspeed zone behind the windscreen of an open convertible and so the dust can fall out of the air in this relatively still air - as this predicts, it is the dashboard top that seems to get the worst dust.

    So I guess the question is: how do you make the airflow as high behind the windscreen as elsewhere?
    - You could take the windscreen out - that would do it....
    - Don't use the wind deflector and open all the windows - that might help a bit, but not much.

    I think you are stuck with the dust - if you want a convertible cockpit in which you don't need to wear goggles because of the airflow, it will let dust settle out of the air.
  8. Justa Jim

    Justa Jim Well-Known Member
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    May 6, 2009
    +1,685 / 0 / -0
    Speaking on a similar topic, with all the rain you all have over there, why are the rain gutters on the MINI almost worthless? Seems like these would have been better designed. Wish I could find some of those plastic side screens that you use to see on the old MG's. :D

  9. Metalman

    Metalman Well-Known Member
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    +7,923 / 1 / -0
    They gave up on the design..... Too hard to attach the downspouts......:D
  10. Angib

    Angib New Member

    Nov 25, 2009
    (Old) England
    +425 / 0 / -0
    In the local vernacular of where I live, you guys are "as soft as a big girl's blouse". I should make clear this means that you are even softer than a girl's blouse - it has nothing to do with the blouses worn by big girls.....

    If you leave the windows open and drive around with a wet roof, water comes in - duh, shut the window! :idea:

    The really great thing about the upright screen on the Mini is that you can drive the convertible with the roof down in really heavy rain, as long as you don't slow below 40mph. Virtually all the water goes round to the side windows and it's no wetter than walking in very light drizzle.

    I'm hoping that the more raked screen of the Roadster I've promised myself is quieter that the upright convertible's screen but still has this wonderful behaviour as not having to wonder if that rain cloud will drop on me means I can put the roof down much more often.
  11. Justa Jim

    Justa Jim Well-Known Member
    Lifetime Supporter

    May 6, 2009
    +1,685 / 0 / -0
    It didn't on my Mustang or my wife's Explorer. :nonod:


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