Some of you may never have seen this Mini commercial from the late 1990s, right at the end of the production of the classic Mini. By this time BMW was investing heavily in the development of the new MINI, and a commercial like this helped keep brand recognition (and buzz) alive. You'll notice it features the classic Mini logo (which, by the way, is the inspiration of the design of the automatic climate controls on the R50 and R53). This slightly naughty commercial was shown at cinemas throughout the UK during the upcoming movie trailers and it was said to be banned from TV showings in the UK - although that just seems to be a bit of PR strategy, not an actual fact. Note, if movie ratings were given to commercials, this might be rated as a PG or maybe even a PG-13. So, you've been warned. [ame=""]BMW Mini : Quiz Show - YouTube[/ame]