If a person is of a retirement age, has Alzheimers and is going to college.... can that person get all three (senior, student and child discounts) at the movies? :devil:
Even if you could, with the cost of movies these days, you would still likely need a small bank loan to go to one. Mark
If they have Alzeimer's, that trumps all. In that situation, typically the theater will only charge them fifty cents. Fifty cents may not seem like much, but with Alzheimer's, the folks completely forget they saw the movie. So they see the same movie over, and over, and over, often times three or four times a day, especially if their ride has Alzeimer's too (Alzeimer's suffers tend to travel in herds) and forgets to pick them up... When you throw in concession sales, over time, it really adds up.
Funny enough this came to me in my sleep. It was the first thing I asked my wife today as I opened my eyes.
We are coming up on ten years. Except for "what's that smell?", everything else is an expression of love.