Thought I would get a tail count for this year... Lola will be there! Who else? And pictures, please!
Our 17 year old daughter acts like a 3 year old around dogs. She loves 'em. So I'd like to apologize in advance for her. LOL!
I hope to bring my "travelin' collie, Siobhan"...last summer in my new 2010 MCS, she and I (plus my wife and her dog) put on thousands of miles and visited 21 states motoring This Dragon will be our first! packimocity
Well, we have 11 dogs and run a dog training business and private dog park. So we will be dog free for this event. Annette
Welcome to the Dragon! Siobhan is very pretty. Are you bringing her to frisbee golf? Looks like she might enjoy it, lol!
We likely will not be attending the Dragon this year, but that's Ruby motoring on the Dragon a few years ago in my sig. Mark
Awwwww, we'll take a run on the Dragon for ya Mark Our dog would never make it- she gets carsick :eek6:
Thanks for sharing the picture of Ruby! We were lucky last year and no one threw up in the car (or just outside of it either) :blush2:
We're leaving Daisy and Peanut home, but I will be seeking out substitute dogs for scratchies and belly rubs. Ali
Ruby is a stomach with legs, and loves to eat, so she is not willing to throw up under any circumstances:lol: Mark