Good deal, but EBC Reds Suck! I have had 4 sets separate the pad from the backing plate and will never use or recommend them to anyone.
Dave.0 Helix & RMW PoweredLifetime Supporter
DneprDave Well-Known MemberSupporting Member
Aww c'mon Dave, that was years ago! They have fixed the problem, I have had EBC reds on my car for a couple of years. They are superior to OEM.
Dave.0 Helix & RMW PoweredLifetime Supporter
Not saying they are not better then any crappy BMW OEM pad but not worth the risk.
Metalman Well-Known MemberLifetime Supporter
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I have the EBC Redstuff street pads on my MINI.... So far no issues.... So far I love em...
wmwny Well-Known Member
I had Redstuffs on my S until a caliper froze and I had to get new brakes. I went with the OEM MINI brakes and have not had a problem with them although they dust a lot and squeal some. The Redstuffs lasted a long the Dragon and back numerous times, for daily driving, and on the track at Mid Ohio.