Did a search and got no hits. Found it odd. Ecu may be too short for the search box though. Anywho there aren't many new topics in this area so figured id make one. Rather than bore you with the back story and reason for the post I'm curious if anyone has done any tuning to the factory ECU? What they did? How they did it? Etc... I'm VERY sensitive/aware of changes in my car as I drive a lot and feel as if I'm noticing a few changes after regular maintenance.
Don't worry about doing searches here. It never works anyway. We will answer the question even if it's been asked before and never tell you to do a search.
Sounds like a custom tune would make you happy.... RMW did mine... More power, smoother running than new, and more MPG....tough to beat... Also had the DSC tweaked to make it less obnoxious..... And gas pedal made more sensetive....made the $$ I paid a great deal.
I had Way [waymotorworks.com] do mine and am really happy with them. One is on an '06 MCSa and the other is on an '03 Cooper cvt. I am considering having him do one on my wife's '06 MCSa, too
Way's (WMW) canned tunes are not custom tunes they are just standard JCW flashes and some of them are really just copies of Jan's tunes from when they had a fallout long ago. (Pre gen 2) Way is not a custom tuner period, sorry but it's the truth.
Replace the cars battery? The battery is fine, I have cables also. In any event the radio presets are still there...
Ok when you say it is dead what do you mean? Won't start "click" Or just keeps turning over and over? Have you checked all the fuses including the ones under the hood? Check plug wires and coil connections?
Looks like we have been invited to go on a fishing trip. daviday, Welcome to the friendliest MINI site on the interweb. We will be happy to help you if we can, but you need to be prepared to provide actual information that might help us help you. So, besides the age and mileage, what else can you tell us? What are the symptoms? What might you have changed just before this? Noises, smells, etc?
Thank you guys, my data connection lags sometimes. The battery has plenty of power. The starter wants to turn it over. It just won't. No smell, no smoke, no odd noises. I started the car and drove a few blocks and turned it off. Now I'm here.
In the main fuse block under the hood there is one really big one that sometimes will loosen a bit. Check that all of them in there are set in place firmly.