Thinking I'm gonna sell my giant collection of MINIs I've collected over the years. Not getting rid of my MINI, or leaving the community, just cleaning house of sorts, and could use the money for something more important I have in mind. So, here ya go. 100 total. Everything from Hot Wheels and Matchbox, to much more expensive models like the Corgi with working headlights I paid $30 for. There's also the Barbie Ken's MINI that's a bigger one, and cost $30. There's even one that climbs walls. There's lots of rare ones in there, I scavenged to find. I'm asking $200, or best offer. I think that's awful fair. They're all in great condition, or still in the box. (I've not played with them.) I'm including pics here: musings of a coffee ragamuffin. • MINI Collection. For Sale. $200. (Shipping costs are separate and reflect actual cost to ship.)