Ever want a MINI Branded Plantronics 925? Nows you chance and not for the $125 or so that MINI Dealers charge. NEVER used, my car is to damn loud to try and talk on the phone and drive, even with a headset. Asking $60 shipped. Official Release: The driver of a BMW or MINI who wishes to always remain in touch also while travelling now has the choice of new Bluetooth headsets matched specifically to his car. These universal hands-free mobile phone communication systems are made up of a combined earplug/microphone unit and ensure smooth and reliable communication to the user’s mobile phone through a Bluetooth connection, without requiring any kind of cable or wiring. This gives the driver of a car not equipped with an integrated telephone or a mobile phone preparation kit installed from the start at the factory the opportunity to drive safely and communicate conveniently at the same time. The new headsets may be combined with all mobile phones able to interact with Bluetooth and are scheduled to join the wide range of Original BMW Accessories and Original MINI Accessories as of December 2009. The new Bluetooth headsets from BMW and MINI combine sophisticated, brand-like design with innovative technology. The BMW headset comes in elegant white, the MINI headset is in classic black, both headsets proudly bearing the appropriate brand logo on the rhomboid-shaped ear element fitting quickly and easily also while driving on the driver’s ear and coming off again just as conveniently, naturally with just one hand. Low weight of just 8 grams, the slender microphone arm and precisely-fitting earplugs in various sizes guarantee superior wearer comfort also during lengthy periods of use. The rechargeable battery integrated in the headsets allows maximum use of up to five hours and a stand-by time of up to 7 days. The headsets come complete with a charge adapter to be connected to the car’s power socket or, alternatively, to the cigar lighter. Use of the headsets is largely intuitive through a button for the incoming call, end-of-call, and re-dial functions. A second button serves to control the level of volume, with speech and reception volume being adjusted automatically to surrounding conditions as a function of the noise level. A voice selection function allows direct access to the address directory in mobile phones supporting this function. In that case all the driver has to do is speak out the name of the person he wishes to call into the microphone on the headset in order to select the number desired. Via Bluetooth, the driver may even use the headset at the same time in combination with two mobile phones, switching spontaneously as he wishes from one mobile phone to another, depending on where a call is coming in.
Put this on ebay with a $25 start.... MINI Branded Bluetooth Headset - eBay (item 110636851972 end time Jan-23-11 11:15:01 PST)
this bluetooth earpiece works really well...i really like mine. Which reminds me...i really should charge the damn thing...