GA MINIAC has partnered with The MINI Skirts to raise funds for Susan G. Komen for the Cure. They are holding a rally on October 15th to Save the Peachkins. If you would like to support the Peachkins, you can: 1. Participate in GA MINIAC's rally; 2. Purchase Save the Peachkins merchandise (a portion of the sales price goes to Team MINI Skirts) -->Order Peachkins stuff here<--; or 3. Donate directly to Team MINI Skirts -->Donate to Team MINI Skirts here<-- Thank you to everyone who has helped (or will help) the MINI Skirts reach its goal. We have only $2,500 left to raise over the next 20 days and then Susan G. Komen will receive $10,000 from The MINI Skirts, GA MINIAC, Sewell MINI of Plano and our other wonderful rally partners, including Motoring Alliance!