Global Warming Expedition to Prove Antarctic Ice is Melting Trapped by Ice | FrontPage Magazine :idea:
That's funny, but me I do believe it is happening. We sure are leaving a mess for future generations.
Latest trends are it's cooling. Either way man can't control it any more than they control the weather.
The ice that is trapping them was broken off of the ice shelf nearby. The one that is shrinking. While I believe something MAY be going on, the science for weather change is so limited to the recent past that I find it hard to believe anyone's hypothesis simply because they have such a limited amount of data. Yes we can all agree that the glaciers and ice fields are shrinking, but to claim that the end is near is a bit to Chicken Little for me.
Oh, I forgot, someone changed it to climate change. Brilliant, either way somebody's right. With just a minor bit of research I found out this has been going on for some time. Every Climatologist will tell you the Earth's temperature has been much hotter and colder than it is now.
It really does not matter as nothing is going to happen to the planet for another Million or so years. Everyone's kids and their kids and 5 more or so generation will have been born and lived a full life and died of old age long before the end of Earth. This planet has been around a million or so years without our help I am sure it will keep on going long after I die.
If you don't believe global warming will destroy the earth you will be accused of working for an oil company.
I personally killed 20% of the ozone in the 80's with Aquanet hairspray with my David Lee Roth Hair do. :lol: PS I like oil companies they make oil and fuel for my car. I will NEVER drive a battery / hybrid Prius. If people you to save the trees they should start wiping their butt with something else beside paper.
NASA reports because of Solar Flares the Sun is the hottest it has been in over 100 years. There are no cars on the sun.
There will be stability in the universe, because your great-great-great-great-great-grandson still will be posting here about how the R53 was the only real MINI. :biggrin5:
Well, it is true that not everyone in the science community agrees that global warming is man-made.
:cornut: This scenario has been repeating itself for 4 billion years. Man has only been here about 100k yrs. Yes we may be helping it along but the same cycle for 4 billion yrs. I don't think that we are to be blamed for the entire debacle. And just FYI it's no longer 'Global Warming' but 'Climate Change' and yes some scholars say that this is a prelude to the next 'Ice Age.' Jason