So, we pull into a parking spot at Home Depot over the weekend and park behind a Prius with West Virginia tags. Apparently they have a strong enough opinion of Prius in WV that this person had to put this on his/her car... :cornut:
I was thinking the same thing. I'm old enough to remember gay means happy, and coke can in a bottle Mark
its like hybrid SUV owners that put 'HYBRID' graphics on their buses so they don't get vandalized. As if driving a 6,000lb vehicle carrying hazmat inside is somehow environmentally responsible because it gets 3mpg better mileage :lol:
and the bottle of Coke cost 6 cents and came out of a vending machine that looked like a chest freezer with a lift lid. I remember that too. Jim
Shoot, we did that. But me and my brother only had one pair of shoes between us. We shared and just hopped there on one foot.
On your birthday did your parents cut the bottom off your pockets so you had something to play with too? Mark
About the same thing that happened in Alabama when Top Gear crew drove through it with MAN LOVE spray painted on the side.