HUGE California Traffic Tickets Fines Effective 01/06/2011

Discussion in 'Politics and other "Messy" Stuff' started by Nitrominis, Jan 16, 2011.

  1. Nitrominis

    Nitrominis Banned

    May 9, 2009
    Doing nothing
    Santa Cruz, CA
    +61 / 0 / -0
    HUGE California Traffic Tickets Fines Effective 01/06/2011

    Please be extremely careful in your driving and car registration & insurance matters. State of California is broke and they are trying hard to squeeze all of us hard to collect money.

    Effective immediately, if you do not stop at the red light, be ready to pay $436 in fines or if you pass a school bus with flashing red signals, you will be charged $616. The state of California is going for blood, so be extra careful in driving, You cannot afford messing with them. I have been hearing that Highway Patrols are under pressure to issue a lot more tickets than last year with at least 30% increase in fines over 2009, so beware of radar guns, highway and traffic cameras installed everywhere and the tougher enforcement of parking rules.

    Just for your info, the next time you park in the handicapped zone, even for a minute, you will be looking at almost $ 1000 in parking tickets , so it'd better be worth it.

    California needs money, so pay close attention to the rules of the road!

    Traffic Ticket Fines (Effective 01/06/2011)

    VC 12814.6 $214 Failure to obey license provisions.

    VC 14600(A) $214 Failure to notify DMV of address change within 10 days

    Note: The fine may be reduced with valid proof of correction.

    VC 16028(A) $796 Failure to provide evidence of financial responsibility (insurance)

    Note: This fine may be reduced with proof of insurance on or after the violation date.

    VC 21453(A) $436 Failure to stop at a red signal.

    VC 22349 $214 Unsafe speed, 1 to 15 miles over the limit.

    VC 22350 $328 Unsafe speed, 16 to 25 miles over the limit.

    VC 22450 $214 Failure to stop at a stop sign.

    VC 22454(A) $616 Passing a school bus with flashing red signals.

    VC 23123(A) $148 Driving while using a wireless phone not hands free, first offense .

    VC 23123(B) $256 Driving while using a wireless phone not hands free, each subsequent offense.

    VC 23123.5 $148 Driving while using a wireless device to send, read or write text.

    VC 23124 $148 Minor driving while using a wireless phone.

    VC 22500 $976 Parking in a bus loading area.

    VC 22507(A) $976 Violation of disabled parking provisions, first offense.

    VC 22507(B) $1876 Violation of disabled parking provisions, second offense.

    VC 26708 $178 Unlawful material on vehicle windows.

    VC 27150 $178 Adequate muffler required.

    VC 27315 $148 Mandatory use of seat belts.

    VC 27360 $436 Mandatory use of passenger child restraints.

    Note: This fine may be reduced by completing a court authorized child seat diversion program.

    VC 27400 $178 Headsets or Earplugs covering both ears.

    VC 27803 $178 Violation of motorcycle safety helmet requirements.

    VC 34506 $616 Commercial Driver - Log book violation.

    VC 4000 $256 No evidence of current registration.

    Note: The fine may be reduced with valid proof of correction.

    VC 4159 $178 Notify DMV of change of address within 10 days.

    Note: The fine may be reduced with valid proof of correction.

    VC 5200 $178 Proper display of license plates.

    Note: The fine may be reduced with valid proof of correction.

    VC 9400 $178 Commercial weight fees due.

    Note: The fine may be reduced with valid proof of correction Look out for the money grabbers in Sacramento but don‘t blame the cops. They don’t set the fines or collect them!
  2. Justa Jim

    Justa Jim Well-Known Member
    Lifetime Supporter

    May 6, 2009
    +1,685 / 0 / -0

  3. davavd

    davavd Club Coordinator

    May 7, 2009
    Covington, La
    +6 / 0 / -0
    Odd that the three highest have to do with parking.:eek:ut:
  4. carman63

    carman63 Member

    Oct 14, 2010
    Purcellville, VA
    +17 / 0 / -0
    #4 carman63, Jan 16, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2011
    FYI: I checked snopes, found this: New California Traffic Laws for 2011
    Still undetermined, but it's circulating via email so...

    EDIT: The only 'reputable source' I could find thus far, mentioned a $4 surcharge on every ticket.

    EDIT: The Road Warrior blog pretty much confirms the CBS story.

    Bottom line - most likely an internet hoax. BTW, if you google 'California Traffic Ticket Fine 2011' there are a few 'ticket fighter' attorneys that use almost the exact same wording for the OPs posting, with different $ amounts and citing 1/6/2010 as the effective date.

    (Yes, I was bored. LOL)
  5. Crashton

    Crashton Club Coordinator

    Jun 4, 2009
    Retired old fart
    Hooterville Ohio USA
    +11,673 / 2 / -0
    I thought the same thing when I saw that. :rolleyes:

    CHKMINI Club Coordinator
    Lifetime Supporter

    Sep 1, 2009
    +3,863 / 0 / -1 eliminate the high fines you're best bet is to continuously motor and never park

    Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk
  7. Motoring Magic

    Motoring Magic New Member
    Motoring Alliance Sponsor

    Dec 13, 2009
    Motoring Magic Owner, Ventura County's ONLY MINI s
    Thousand Oaks, Vta cty, socal
    +266 / 0 / -0

    ALL comunities have thier hands in it now-used to be, if you got a 75/65 max ticket on the freeway from the CHP in Thousand Oaks, (where I live) it would be 175-250ish depending on your current driving record. Now vta county receives a surcharge and the city of TO receives a surcharge adding another 70-100 to the ticket. all over the state this has been enacted, so fines are up. The surcharges are "court costs"
  8. Thumper460

    Thumper460 Active Member

    May 26, 2009
    United States Navy ..Retired
    +99 / 0 / -0
    LOL... Gotta Love California!! The still have most of the best... !!

    NOW they are paying for it!! LOL

    Just me....................


    PS: Lynn best keep the 'driveway MINI' .... THERE!!
  9. Nathan

    Nathan Founder

    Mar 30, 2009
    Short North
    +10,069 / 0 / -0
    There are a few things that make this suspect.

    1. New or changed statues go into effect on January 1, not January 6. Unless it is a matter dealing with elections or public safety, then they go into effect when signed by the Gov. Source - [ame=]California State Legislature - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]

    2. Some quick research shows that each county in Cali is free to set certain other fee amounts and tack them to the base fine. Driving & Transport - Pay Your Traffic Ticket Online - State of California has a listing and link to each County Court site. A quick of the Sacramento County fee schedule does not jive with the OP. Download the xls file from

    The San Jose Mercury News debunks the email being passed around Roadshow: Want a scare? Check your e-mail on hefty traffic fines - San Jose Mercury News

    The Santa Rosa Press Democrat also debunks the email. Beware of scary e-mail on traffic fines – Road Warrior - The Press Democrat - Santa Rosa, CA - Archive

    Checking out DUI Laws. Drunk Driving. Teen Laws. Cell Phone Law. Lawyers. | shows how individual counties can slap more fee's on top of the initial violation fee. Using the Sacramento County spreadsheet we find they add...

    20% surcharge on base fine
    DMV Fee of $10
    Night Court Fee of $1 (does not matter if you even go to court, you still pay)
    Court Security Fee of $40 (does not matter if you even go to court, you still pay)
    Processing Fee of $10
    Criminal Conviction Assessment of $30

    Those are just the fixed fee's, there are others depending on the violation.

    So while the state may have added a $4 surcharge to every base fine there is a plethora of fees tacked on that varies county by county.
  10. Nitrominis

    Nitrominis Banned

    May 9, 2009
    Doing nothing
    Santa Cruz, CA
    +61 / 0 / -0
    Handicap/disabled parking has been a growing issue over the last few years with so many now having disabled place cards.

    If you live in California and get a citation than you will know for sure rather this is a hoax?

    I sat in small claims/traffic court a week ago and was astonished at the outcomes as were the attending audience. So when this info posted although it may seem exaggerated it has a reality to some degree? Some of us had the same reaction when we all first learned about the towing of cars because the residing CHP or local law enforcement agencies started towing on site cars they declared smog violating under Ca vehicle codes?

    As for myself I received my case dismissed really do say a thousand words.:lol:
  11. Thumper460

    Thumper460 Active Member

    May 26, 2009
    United States Navy ..Retired
    +99 / 0 / -0
    LOL.. good for Calif!! Nail the butts of those who break the traffic law!! Any one who thinks they can circumvent the traffic laws and drive at reckless speeds... should be hammered to the full extent of the LAW!! Yes?? Or break the law by parking in the 'handicap' areas and not be authorized!!

    They should go after the polluting rabbit killing cars and their law breaking ways!!

    SOOOoooo.... now, what about the illegals?? ( do they know that definition?? ) Discounted College?? Free Medical?? welfare checks?? Food stamps... maybe they can get those sorted out NEXT??

    Naw... it IS California , after all!! WAKE UP!!

  12. carman63

    carman63 Member

    Oct 14, 2010
    Purcellville, VA
    +17 / 0 / -0
    I don't live in CA, and I'm 99% sure it's a hoax. Find me a valid source, and I'll reconsider. The links I posted to are closer to an authoritative source than all the others I found (i.e., mostly car forums with NO links to the 'real' source).

    But hey, you wanna believe, go for it. I prefer to verify the source.
  13. Rae

    Rae Club Coordinator

    Oct 14, 2010
    teacher for severely/multiply disabled students
    +77 / 0 / -0
    So Thumper, are you implying that with your 200+ hp car - you NEVER speed, not even a little bit :rolleyes5:

    Altho, I do agree with the handicap parking thing and school bus passing tickets.
  14. Thumper460

    Thumper460 Active Member

    May 26, 2009
    United States Navy ..Retired
    +99 / 0 / -0
    LOL... Hell NO!! well ..ok yes, I do own a bunch of highways around this country!! when I5 was new in so Cal, I think myself and friends helped put that all the way to the border!! LOL

    'Do the Crime... pay the fine!!' I have become smarter over the past 40 years, wiser to where and when to engage, but it is all unlawful, yes?? ( Thank God for Valentine!!) And I do pay!! ( to play)

    Just me..................................


    Ga has offered up a deterrent also.. anything over 85 mph on the interstate.. you pay the regular fine.. PLUS $500.00 MORE. Wanna bet all the way thru Ga I am on 83 MPH cruise control!! LOL
  15. Rae

    Rae Club Coordinator

    Oct 14, 2010
    teacher for severely/multiply disabled students
    +77 / 0 / -0
    Holy cow - I don't top 75 on the highways out here, but the limit is 65, so I agree - it's what I'm willing to pay if I get caught. Thanks for your generous contributions to our nation's infrastructure! :aureola:
  16. mike@MynesTuned

    mike@MynesTuned New Member

    May 16, 2009
    +5 / 0 / -0
    Nothing surprises me anymore coming out of Kalifornia. A friend got tagged for going 70 in a 55mph zone, went to court, ended up paying $396 for the ticket, plus another fee for traffic school.
  17. Thumper460

    Thumper460 Active Member

    May 26, 2009
    United States Navy ..Retired
    +99 / 0 / -0
    LOL Traffic school!! LOL they have my seat reserved!! the instructors know my first name!! ( this IS a funny!) It used to be a max of 5 schools in your life... now it is unlimited as long as not 2 in the same year. They found out it is a good way to make money!!

    Traffic school here in Fl will erase the points on your record ( up to 4 at one time). This could be a good thing... or a bad thing!! LOL


    PS: last ticket was 325.00 speeding / 125.00 traffic school.. NO POINTS!!
  18. Redbeard

    Redbeard JCW: because fast is fun!
    Supporting Member

    Dec 17, 2009
    Glorified spreadsheet jockey.
    Austin, TX
    +413 / 0 / -0
    I got a ticket in the People's Republik of Kalifornia back in September. (my first one in 10 years) I was doing 82 in a 65. The ticket was $364 plus a $40 fee for traffic school (which you can only do every 18 months to avoid the points in CA) plus the school itself was $20. Net I was out of pocket $424.

    The irony is that in the past 10 years I have owned: 2001 Mustang GT, 2006 VW GTI, 2006 350Z, and a 2005 Mustang GT. Never got a ticket in any of them.

    I'm usually good about not speeding. If I am I'm not going any faster than traffic around me. However, in the MINI I was motoring along at a healthy clip and got tagged. I played. I payed. *shrug* Since then I've been more conscious about my speed. I guess the ticket did it's job.
  19. maxmini

    maxmini New Member

    Jan 24, 2010
    +10 / 0 / -0
    Its interesting that the fine you received is rather close to the one proposed in the " new " list. That one seems to pan out. has anyone received any of the other types listed for comparison ? The last one I can personally remember was a stop light camera which cost me something around $ 320 or so.

  20. Nitrominis

    Nitrominis Banned

    May 9, 2009
    Doing nothing
    Santa Cruz, CA
    +61 / 0 / -0
    I can only say that it is funny the responses to a hoax or lets say over exaggerated fines are from people that do not live in CA?
    I posted something sent to me and found it so close to what I personally witness recently in court? The one that stands out most for me is a driver fined initially $150.00 for not wearing seat belt, final fine was close to $1250.00 His fine was double by each additional VC violation. His passenger was not belted and the child to small under CA requirements. So for 2 people not wearing a seat belt and a belted child but not in a car seat total fine $1250.00. Nope no hoax and diffidently not over exaggerated? I would say lets see how many more that have been to a Ca traffic court in the last month report what they received and witnessed for traffic fines?

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