Ohh man, this is one of my faves!!!! Twisties like crazy down hill, with some very twisty, very "slow" curves. lol. Once you get down to about 2500 feet, the road straightens out and gets FAST. Passed a car on this lonely stretch at 110 mph. That will put a huge grin on your face. If you are looking to make a loop, I recommend taking Hwy 44 East from Redding to Mt Lassen, take the beautiful scenic cruise through Mt Lassen National Park (that drive alone is about 1.5 hours, give or take, but take more time as its so beautiful) then come back down to I-5 via 36 west. My wife and I do this on a saturday coming from Sacramento. We usually like to hang out in the park for a few hours before coming back home. We've done this a dozen times in the last 2 years. I-5 sucks, but who cares!!! You drive a MINI! Check it!
I know this is 6 y/o, but, I LOVE the 36 to the coast of Cali. It's an imparitive to get your picture with the beginning sign.
California does have some great canyon roads. Colin Greene took me on a few rides while in was in Orange County .
Being a born and PARTLY raised in San Diego boy, I played a lot on Mt Palomar, Mt Helix, Old Hwy 94 past Barrett Jnct to what WAS known as Racers Ridge and now know as The Play Ground, Wildcat Canyon rd Sun Rise hwy, ECT..... We would hop on the bikes (smallest was a 650cc Turbo) and do a Sun rise to Sun set ride, start in the mtns on Sun Rise hwy and wind thru the mtns to L.A. and back down to Sun Set beach in San Diego.....ah, to be that young (and in So. Cal. ) Again!!!!!