3rd Gen F57 Convertible Incredible opportunity for a FREE SmartTOP module for your new F57 Convertible!

Discussion in '3rd Generation: 2014+ F54, F55, F56, F57, F60' started by sweetestbaboon, Apr 22, 2016.

  1. sweetestbaboon

    sweetestbaboon New Member

    Apr 22, 2016
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    #1 sweetestbaboon, Apr 22, 2016
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2016
    Hola fellow 2016 Mini Convertible F57 folks-
    Just bought my F57 & I love it so so very much, but it is lacking one thing...
    One of the most wonderful things I got for my last convertible (R57) was the SmartTOP module which allows much more flexibility & options when opening/closing top & windows- especially great was the one-touch feature wherein you could just hit the switch either on the remote or the console & the top would go up or down without you having to hold it the whole time. Really makes a world of difference & I miss it the most on my new F57.
    Luckily the wonderful folks at mods4cars want to make one for the F57 but they need a car to work on to be able to do it. I spoke to a great guy over there by the name of Stefan who said if someone would loan them a car to check out, they’d be able to make a new module & of course this lucky person would be compensated with a FREE module of their own for their help in the process. Pretty good deal! Unfortunately, I myself am on the East Coast & these cats are on the West, so they’re looking for someone in the area (L.A., San Diego, Phoenix, Vegas, etc.) who will help them figure out the new style.
    Please PM me with your contact info. if you’re interested & I will put them in touch with you lickety-split. But do so fast because I can’t wait to buy mine & I’m sure there’s going to be a lot of interest, so first come, first served as it were.
    By the way, Stefan just told me they had a Corvette in & whilst the guy hung on the strip, they creatd a module & he went home with it that very weekend!
    Thanks everyone & hope yer enjoying yer new F57’s as much as I’m diggin’ mine (which is absolutely the most!).
    Be well & be good.
  2. MCS02

    MCS02 Moderator
    Staff Member Articles Moderator Supporting Member

    Jul 31, 2009
    +8,030 / 10 / -3
    Welcome to Ma
  3. sweetestbaboon

    sweetestbaboon New Member

    Apr 22, 2016
    +0 / 0 / -0
    ¡Muchas gracias!

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