Yes I just found out today that a Prison here in Atlanta has computers and internet access for prisoners. Inmates have been posting on their facebook pages. Does it get anymore BS than that. Come on, how is this right.
Is it a minimum security facility? Those guys have nothing to do all day except sit around and think up ways to steal and defraud the public, and now they give them a means to do it. Fail!
Now I'm just waiting for the guy in prison to order a MINI part. He'll probaly need it overnighted too.
Those terminals have got to be some of the most controlled, censored, and monitored connections out there. I suspect that the computers would be used as the "carrot" to make the prisoners behave.
Prisoner escapes by driving through gate in MINI Cooper he built from parts ordered over the internet. Lawyer for WMW says they have no comment at this time :cornut: Jim
Yes, after careful consideration, I would like to become an illegal alien who get's arrested. Then I can sit around, not pay taxes, get free health care, and surf the net all day... I like it! Welcome to America.
Sensored??? Why are they on Facebook? There in prison it's suppose to be punishment for doing bad things. Not a resort.
Truthfully Way, that IMHO is why the prison system in this country is failing. They try to rehabilitate the inmate. In Germany they make it so bad, the inmate never wats to return to prison ever again. Jim
Anything they can do to get them to fit back in works for them, which I think is a crock. Of course you and I come from different sides of the problem which might influence our view. There is a great example of what I'm saying in the book "The Onion Field". Jim
Sounds kinda like a summer camp.... Get fed, housed, clothed, cared for, treated the internet... No worries about the rent due..the car needed fixing...or any debts...getting a job.... Sounds a bit like a vacation!! No long as your roommate is smaller than you!!
I think they already MISBEHAVED....that why they are in!!! Perhaps they can be made to live in a tent city....and if they behave, they can get out! (and go HOME!!)
Hypothetically, lets say whatever crime they committed was related to finances, or lack thereof. Any bills they had going in are most likely going to be waiting for them when they get out. If anybody is jealous, the military offers similar benefits (3 hots & a cot, medical,etc.) AND they pay you.