OK Dudes and Dudette's that use IPhone's.... Make sure you get the latest 7.0.6 software security patch for your IPhone dealing with "Man in the Middle".... Mac's are still waiting for the fix.... Why Apple's Huge Security Flaw Is So Scary
:cornut: My son is mailing me a cell phone tomorrow so I'll catch up to y'all later(slowly but surely he's dragging me kicking and screaming into the 21st century.).
Is the "man in the middle" the guy who greets me at Walmart who's between what I want and the cashier? If so, how is patching my iPhone gonna help?
Thanks Chuck! I've been lurking around the fringes. Spending more time on my bike than ever, less time driving. Got in a car/bike accident a few weeks back too. "I fought the car, and the car won..."
I hear you! I still have a "L.J. Gibbs" flip phone. Only got that because the phone company said my old one wouldn't work on the new digital network anymore. (It was so old it had vacuum tubes.)
The NSA misses it too..... It was so much easier to intercept. None of that other stuff got in the way....