Hey guys... I'm looking for a set of domed center cap stickers for some new wheels I'm getting and I need a custom size (1.75" - OEM is 2"). I know Aesthetic Creations makes domed caps in any size, but when I was over on his site I found lots of dead/broken links, including the "Contact Us" link - that tends to make me worried. It's been over a year since I last ordered from him, and even then I was hearing tales of longer and longer delays for product fulfillment... Coupled with the lax site maintenance and... well... :ihih: Just wondering if anyone's seen him at MOTD or has ordered anything from him recently? I suppose it's not the end of the world if I just order blind (a new set's only like $30), but I'd hate to wait a few months any only then find out he's not turning orders around, when i could be looking for alternatives. Thanks!
Yes, AC is alive an well. He was putting on graphics right and left at MOTD and had a bunch of those center caps in his tent as well as a ton of the blacked out door handles. Go for it. Jim
He was at MOTD, did several installs. I had a bad experience with him (custom graphic that wasn't done in the agreed-upon time, was told I was impatient, etc, etc) but others swear by him. If you do deal with him, get everything agreed upon in writing. If you do a deal over the phone (as I did), keep in mind that he can't hold you to terms on the web site that were not explicitly stated on the phone call, and vice-versa. Also state the max time you'll give him to get the work done. IOW, cover your 6. His customer service is all over the place, in my experience.
I personally like the guy and have had good service, don't get me wrong... I just worry when I see a web site with many un-maintained links. Unless someone else knows of a place that will make custom-sized domed center cap stickers? I forgot he was doing the black handles... Has anyone used them? IIRC they're just stick-on plastic that sits atop the stock handles, yes?
Aesthetic Creations is still out there. Mike was at MOTD and was quite busy. He does good work and has interesting ideas for graphics. However, you work with him on Mike time. If you are good with that then all is good, if you are not good with that and wonder often where you are in his pipeline you become a needy customer and you won't be happy with the way he operates. For some it is not an issue, for others it is. Just know that when dealing with Aesthetic Creations it is not like dealing with most any other vendor in the MINI realm. Also, I will not allow this thread to become a bashing fest for Aesthetic Creations so please keep it civil. There are plenty of places on many sites where you will find both sides of working with Aesthetic Creations.
I just ordered custom center caps from him, took a month or two to get them but I knew it probably would. (He might be in a little above his head, you have to understand that it is primarily just him and his wife doing everything and they want to have a life outside of work too.) In the end the center caps look good and thats all that really matters. I don't think anyone else offers this kind of stuff... GoBadges might be able to? Their domed badges might be made in a similar way. Ps. I think he's still on his way home from MOTD or just arriving. (According to his twitter, which seems to be a good way to get in contact with him.)
His door handles have been improved over time and they no longer need to use tape. I love mine. Yes, we were suppose to install my graphic at 3:30 and it was more like 4:30, but I really did not care. I know that there are many views about AC, but I like Mike. Since mine was done in the DIY tent, I got to assist and he had be laughing so hard during the install it was a lot of fun. I have never had a problem. Jim
Thanks Nate, could see how my comment could be the teetering point to go to a Mike 'love fest' as it could easily do You have my word that this is my last comment of AC. Not my job to caution the MINI world.
I have his door handles also. They are perfect IMHO but it took 5 months to get them. This did not bother me as I knew this when I ordered. Larry
I have a set of their door handle covers in white (seems to be a rarity to do anything other than black). It was two+ months from ordering (last August) to receiving the product (last October) but had been told up front it would be about that long, so no problems with that. For something that is purely esthetic like thier products, I have no problem with a long wait as long as I know about it, and the lines of communication were maintained - I sent two emails and received a prompt reply. The product itself has been perfect. They install very easily, match color-wise with my white roof and mirrors, and fit just fine. They have now also weathered a very snowy NJ winter with no ill effects.
The handle covers no longer need tape? I'm intrigued - how to they install? :ihih: Also, do people have pics, and/or can speak to how the covers feel when in-place? I've been wanting black door handles on my car *forever*, but didn't want to hassle with taking the old ones off (I hear it's a pain), and wasn't sure what they'd feel like with covers on top of the existing ones. Re: Mike... Like I said, I've always gotten along with him fine. My first set of AC boot stripes cracked in the first year, and he replaced them free of charge. The second set *also* cracked, which makes me wonder what they're made of, but... (shrug). I'm considering using the 3M faux "carbon fiber" the next time around, but I'll probably just cut my own set the next time around.
Mike did my graphics at MoTD this year. I also got a set of the black door handles a few weeks prior to MoTD and love them. They basically just snap over the existing chrome handles and then I had to stick on the buttons for the Comfort Access locking system. They look great and are very secure thus far. Annette
The Comfort Access includes a button on each of the handles that allows you to lock/unlock the car without using the key as long as your fob is within a set range of the door. So I can leave the fob in my purse or pocket and just press the button as needed. Annette
I too have used his products and they are definately worth the wait. If you order from him, sit back and wait for your delivery...it will eventually come to you and you will be happy.