What has been your longest non stop road trip in a MINI or otherwise... Mine has been from Orlando Fl to Kansas City, Mo. 24 hrs nonstop left Orlando at 7 AM and arrived in KC 7 AM next morning.. How about you ?
Boston to Minneapolis: 24hrs each way, drove straight through with 3 other college kids Boston Ft. Lauderdale: 24hrs each way, drove straight through with 3 other college kids until the fuel pump died in my Jeep outside of Jacksonville. Then we had to fill up before the tank got less than 3/4 full. Added an extra 3 hours to the way down. Raleigh to Boston: 12 hours each way, drove straight through solo. EZ Pass was worth the hassle.
LA, CA to the Dragon!!!!! I was so excited i drove for 31 hours striaght before i finally got a room just out side of Kansas...lol, we finished the rest of the trip the next morning, found Nate along the way.. its was great!
Winnipeg to St.Louis, 20 hours motoring, except for the 1 1/2 hours waiting in line at the border. Well, we were still motoring, just inches per minute. Mark
otherwise, VA to IA. In a MINI, either DC to Cleveland (in a cabrio with the top down) or Williamsburg to Charlotte (not that far really, but it was all back roads so it took much longer than interstate)
Back in my college days... Baltimore to Miami with a friend in a late 70's Buick Regal. Speedo only read to 75 in those days, silly lawmakers though that keeping the speedo low would curtail speeding. The pointer sat on that pin at 75 for long that a small bend eventually developed.
Colorado Springs to KC, 8hrs, picked up my son and left for Daytona, 24 hours straight - stayed up for the race, then got in the car and drove back to KC, dropped off the boy and headed to Colorado Springs, got there just in time to go to work Tues morning. Wnet home that night and didn't get up again till Thursday.......oops! Missed a day of work!
Manchester to Eastbourne (UK) - we flew into Manchester for MINI United 2009 then drove down to the south coast to stay with family...if you have ever driven in England, an 8 hour drive takes you over 2/3'ds of their land mass:crazy: Also drove From Quebec City to Toronto in just over 8 hours. The longest trip will be for MTTS2010...its gonna be 5000kms from Toronto - Denver and back! CAN'T WAIT!!!
Scottsdale, AZ - Wilmington, NC None stop, middle of summer, no AC, 15 monsters, 1 giant redbull, Mini packed to the roof some beef jerky and trail mix. 33 some hours The MINI was twincharged at the time, making an unpossible 400WHP daily. Obviously as a TC car it is unpossible for it to make a cross country trip. Here's the contents of the MINI: 16 inch run flat (spare) Two full size Alienware computer towers 5 portable HDs (totaling 1.75 terabites) 9 computer speakers large suit case 8 pairs of shoes king size comforter box o comptuer stuff.. wires, cords, mice, two keyboards etc etc tools (just in case, she is twincharged and they are unreliable) <---yes there's a sarcastic theme here. aluminium jack two jack stands funel three hand made turkish pillows (for between stuff) Xtreme Mac Ipod Alarm clock Small Garbage can full o stuff large milk crate full of stuff cigar box ( I dunno it's kewl) ok this list is getting long but I think you get the point... oh and pee breaks which I tried to time with the gas... only turned off the MINI if I had to go inside...... and had no problems... I have to appologize as I had this great Idea of taking pics along the way... but the further I got into the trip the less fun that became... as the sleep deprivation set in it all kinda faded to the back burner... it reached 104 degrees out there around TN... and that was to say the least uncomfortable... I counted the seconds for the sun to set here's some pics: Rolling out 8 PM to avoid heat and traffic. Middle of August and all MINI! passenger seat of mini with my traveling buddy dunny and last but not least... a pee break photo....
Longest non-stop road trip ever, Boston to New Orleans with 4 college kids in a Toyota Corolla. And then from NOLA back to Boston, about 24 hours each way. Longest trip in a MINI, well I've only had it a month and a half and I've driven from Boston to Springfield (100 miles) and Boston to Windsor Locks, CT (120 miles). Longest road trip with stops, Boston to Portland, OR twice. Once in a supercharged Nissan Frontier pickup and once in a '98 Honda Civic.
Obscure "Trains, planes and Automobiles" reference? Longest road trip we've taken in the MINI is from KC to Devil's Tower Wyoming last May....
In my Mini was to Wichita,KS from Kansas City and back. Longest trip in a car was from Kansas City to Roswell, NM non-stop. 15 hours (supposed to be anyway...) My sister and I did it in 13 hours...
One of the all time great Steve Martin/John Candy movies... Acworth, GA to Summersville, WV is the longest so far. 7.5 hours. Love the mountain roads!
AMVIV'08 Plainville to Phoenix,AZ to Las Vegas - 3 days - it was my first cross country trip. Dragon '09 Plainville to Fontana Village, NC - 1 day 4 hours - 1 stop in nashville 1st Road Trip for '10 Plainville to Phoenix, AZ - 19 hours - non stop Reunion with my car June '10 after the motor blew in March '10 - Phoenix to Plainville 20 hours - 1 stop east of denver.