Mini Meet West 2013 – Minis Conquer the Cascades. Make your plans now for MMW 2013! WHEN: Tuesday June 18th, 2013 – Thursday June 20th, 2013 WHERE: Beautiful Bend, Oregon SCHEDULED EVENTS: - Car Show and Group Photo Shoot - Timed Autocross - Funkhana - Rallye - Area Tours - Evening Mini Parade through downtown Bend! - Swap Meet - Banquet REGISTRATION: Event website will be up in early 2013 HOST HOTEL: Riverhouse Resort, Bend, OR Special rates have been negotiated for MMW2013 Please call 1-800-547-3928 You must mention “Mini Meet West†to get this special rate More Info - Mini Meet West 2013 | Oregon Mini SocietyOregon Mini Society
I did MME and it was a terrific event, in fact I'm planning to do it again in 2014. Wish I could do this one, Bend is a beautiful area, lots of great roads and plenty to see and do. In fact this years Northwest Oil Leak tour (yearly E-type event) went right thru there......
Wish I had known about that. Would have loved to see those cars. Looked like a great time was had by all too.
Planning on being there. Only a few hours away so no reason not to. I'm assuming our club may have something going on with it too.
Yeah, I'm a member of the club. The first meeting of the year is tonight, I work Tuesday nights so I can't usually make the meetings so I don't know if they have mentioned anything yet. I know it is on our club events calendar but I'm not sure what they have planned. When I find out I will let you know.
Cool. I was a member since 2004, but stopped paying the membership a couple of years ago as I rarely was able to get over to the valley for any runs.
I'm planning to go to MMW 2013. Also, there's an all mini track day at Oregon Raceway Park on Friday June 21st the day after the MMW is finished.
So far there's four of us from Salish Sea MINI coming down. Looking forward to it. We had a blast at the Lake Tahoe event.