This is translated by Google from German. Original - Mini-Prototyp landet bei Testfahrt in Fluss - Von Brücke gestürzt - Auto - In a test drive with a new mini- model of the BMW control arm (25) has fallen from France, including vehicle Salzbuger Lungau from a bridge and landed in the river Mur. The driver was able to free himself with his last strength itself. The so-called Erlkönig - so the prototypes are called in the jargon - is a total loss. Even before the launch of new vehicles are tested on public roads by the car companies. Plane in such a test was - 25 year olds on Tuesday evening, 17 against clock near the village Unterberg go. Suddenly he lost yet unknown cause control of the vehicle. The car broke through the bridge railing, overturned and landed on the roof in the river bed. "That was a test car" When the fire brigade arrived at the site, the Florianis were amazed when she the prototype discovered wreck, "Yes, that was a test car," said a spokesman for the fire brigade towards The driver had already freed himself and was provided by the Red Cross. The test car- pilot suffered minor injuries in the crash and was taken to hospital after Tamsweg. The Florianis made thereafter to the salvage of the wreck: lifting straps were attached, then the car was determined by rescue vehicle- lifted crane from the Mur and removed. The "Erlkönig" - the name comes from an adaptation of the eponymous work by Johann W. von Goethe - was completely demolished.
Even I wouldn't cross that line. It does, however, have the new Chappaqudoc leather interior. It's waterproof.
I just noticed this: In the front-end picture, look at the left side of the engine - there's a red thing. Did MINI finally give up on its crummy dipstick and start using the CravenSpeed dipstick? :biggrin5:
Good catch! Yes MINI did, it is a $500 option. The poor folks who buy BMW's don't get a dipstick. :crazy:
Of course not! They used it because it was easier for them to read it. They figure that if we cannot read it, then its more likely that we wont notice the oil is low and it causes a problems making us take it to the stealership to have work done, thus they make more money. The Aristocrats!!
Nope, its the "Pull" for the AFD. (auto flotation device) Only available of the S edition which stands for Swimming or Scuba. :lol:
I dunno, it looks better that way. Maybe they should ship them all to Germany, and go big--the Rhine let's say--drop em' all in, then sell them. Or better yet, just leave them all on the bottom. Germany owes us one for WWII, this would go a long way to making amends.
So, um, would it be presumptuous of me to assume that perhaps you find the styling and execution of the upcoming F56 to be a little less than satisfactory?