Time to change the brand name from MINI to "BIGGIE"
Dave.0 Helix & RMW PoweredLifetime Supporter
Dave.0 Helix & RMW PoweredLifetime Supporter
Yeah they won't make a smaller MINI because it will cost too much.
Well it would not cost that much if you kept it MINI and not load it full of BMW crap like nanny warning lights and systems, Navi and Blue tooth and run flats.
If they want to keep building big ugly sub BMW cars buy the SAAB brand and bring it back to life.-
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Steve AdministratorStaff Member Articles Moderator
A company out to make money won't ignore a thing like the Countryman sales figures.
Sell more cars >> make more $, and the Countryman sells well.
I just think they ought to add some big, bold quotation marks to the MINI emblem on anything Paceman or larger. Seems to me that would even fit the fun, quirky, laugh at yourself brand persona they've been cultivating.-
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It is a cruel irony that they drop the Rocketman in favor of the Denali sized Countryman XL or whatever they'll call it. Guess it won't stop until they have something bigger than the extinct Ford Excursion.
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Crashton Club Coordinator
Oh wow???
Metalman Well-Known MemberLifetime Supporter
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I'll give BMW credit for one thing, at least when they make a MINI bigger, it still resembles a MINI, the proportions are still relatively accurate. The Fiat XL no longer resembles a Fiat 500 IMHO, it's worse than what happened when MINI went the Clubman route. and I don't think it really will be something many people will cross shop with a larger MINI--it looks more like a garden variety station wagon, and it'll probably be priced quite a bit lower than any gargantuan MINI offering. I suspect it'll share the same fate as the Clubman, it'll sell, but it won't be a hugely popular model, the clubman is near the bottom of MINI sales, the hatch and the Countryman are what's driving sales.
I have to admit, the Countryman is a guilty pleasure, I was given one for a week and I did like it. It's overrpriced, but despite that, I could own one once the kids are gone.