What's the MoM's thoughts about having a summer picnic? We could reserve an area in one of the Metro or outlying area parks, cook burgers and brats with everyone bringing something. Kid friendly with Bocce ball, corn hole, etc. Maybe preface the picnic with a run for those that want to do that. Just a thought. If it is something we want to do, I'll put the plans together.
Would you'all like to find a place between Cols. and Cinci and have an event with the Queen City MINIs. Nice people, nice cars and they love to drive. The more the merrier.
That sounds great! Hannah park in Gahanna has a wonderful shelter right next to a big parking lot that you can rent for $40 fri nights from 4-8.
Would Washington Courthouse be too far? Let me know...I have a great place for a picnic...lots of room for parking, swimming pool and fun as in yard darts, cornhole, etc. And it would be free...
So Jeff....let me see if I've got this right. I'm trying to put together a simple picnic since its been said that we never do anything together except go to donuts every month. Not a 15 minute task, you know? The majority of the people live in the Columbus area, I assume many are bringing their children, and I have the logistics of getting food, games and such to a picnic site. Okay, let's put this on an hour or more away from where the majority is. Seriously....I believe you see the picture.
Yeah, I DO get the picture...seriously. I'm OK with your wanting to be an ALL Columbus activity club...SERIOUSLY, but, calling yourselves Mid-Ohio Motoring seems a stretch, unless you are just saying Mid-Ohio [meaning Columbus...the city in mid-state]. When Tony Burgess formed Mid-Ohio Motoring, it was for the whole state and not just a centralized city. However, times have changed, and what was once an all-Ohio motoring club [HIS activities were statewide] is no longer. No problem, OK? That's the way YOU want it...seriously.
I think it sounds like a great idea. And would love to come as long as I'm not working. Any particular date you are thinking of?
Jeff, sorry you're taking it this way since that's not the way it's meant. Who pissed in your Cheerios?
I don't know about the history of MoM prior to '07, but were there clubs in Cincinnati and Cleveland when it was first created? I remember some joint drives with the Cleveland folks in Amish country and some of them coming down for breakfast and events at MAG.
The beauty of Tony's club was that it was statewide. He organized drives, scavenger hunts, and, even though he was from Columbus, he did a get together outside Delaware, OH, at Alum Creek...GASP! Classics AND the "new" MINIs were always welcome. If you are talking about Classic Minis, the first Mini Club was in Dayton, OH. It is called Ohio Mini Owners [OMO] and a group from Columbus formed its own club, too, calling itself Columbus Ohio Mini Owners [COMO]. Both clubs exist today as sister clubs and both clubs are very active and even include the "new" MINI in their activities. OMO created the very first Mini Meet East. I am sure Cleveland and Cincinnati have their own Mini clubs, but, since I have lived in this area for the last 40+ years, cannot speak about their club histories.
+1. I am scheduled to work every other weekend, but would be interested if it were on my weekend off.
What about the next round of donuts, we do the picnic instead. That would be July 18th. I also happen to have that day off so I would be slightly biased towards it.