Would you watch if it's 3rd gen? http://deadline.com/2016/09/the-italian-job-drama-series-movies-nbc-paramount-tv-1201827717/ http://www.theverge.com/2016/9/28/13098652/nbc-remaking-the-italian-job-mini-cooper
I guess I'd give it a chance. Probably couldn't be any worse than the cheeseBall hack job of the movie Rush Hour.
It would be good with all the Gens on it and yes even the real first Gen the classic. Can't we all just get along.
I would like to revise and amend my comment. I think they need Dave and the Mistress. They could be the straight talking optimism. I have a new game, pick MA members and their minis to be character on the show. :lol::lol::lol::lol:
SO how do you make a movie that was mainly about 1 heist into a series? Do you drag out the planning of it for a year or two and have side plots of each characters love life etc, or do you have them plan a new heist every year, so if and or when the show is canceled each year is on it's own and you don't get left hanging as to what happened..
They start out with the rough 1st gen.... robbing banks... Then they switch over to the better looking 2nd gen... robbing banks... Then they switch over to the motor seizing 3rd gen.... Get caught... Go to jail... Do time making stuff for MINI Lifestyle Collection... End of series...