So who belongs to Netflix, we just started a couple of weeks ago when we got a new Blu-ray that supports streaming. So far very happy with the disc in the mail thing, and the streaming is great. No buffering or hiccups, even the full HD films stream without any interruption. Mark
I think my PS3 supports that, but I just don't watch that many movies. I would be hard pressed to name a movie besides Goodfellas, Casino, or Breaveheart. Although I did watch The Watchmen. It was pretty good, although I could have done without the naked giant blue guy with his swinging junk...
Well for the cost of Videos on Demand at $6 a pop, the $12-$13 our Netflix is worth a month for unlimited discs(2 at a time) and 24/7 streaming it's a good deal. Mark
My wife and I use Netflix several times a week. Good value. We just saw "The International" twice. It's a great Interpol "who done it". Try to get it if you can.:cornut:
Love NET Flicks for the value and selection of old movies, also do bit torrents through Pirate Bay and have about 150 AVI's. I do not have cable,Dish, Satellite or watch any form of commercialized TV. I do miss National Geographic's and Discovery and a few Auto broadcasts. I get Top Gear downloaded each time it is aired so that's covered. I own over 1100 DVD's but than my good friend is a distributor so I get the rockin deals on releases. I believe the newest Italian Job is my choice of the two. Although I still like the nostalgic of the original.
I had Netflix for a while and used it mostly for DVDs of TV series, then the new TV season started up and I lost interest in the Netflix discs. I'll probably start it up again sometime, seeing as Blockbuster charges $4.99 for new releases these days. One needn't watch many movies for Netflix to beat that. What do you think of Netflix's deal with Warner Bros, though: No WB movies on Netflix until they've been on sale for 4 weeks. Not sure when that takes effect, but I expect other studios will follow suit. It doesn't bother me, but maybe streaming users will be more disappointed than mail users. (My internet connection isn't fast enough for streaming, at least not through PlayOn.) Oh, and I've yet to see the original Italian Job, so I can't compare 'em.
Been a member since 2003 and love it. Now that they have added instant access for both my PS3 and xBox and for the computers it is great for catching up with some old TV series and stuff we never got to see. Love both versions of The Italian Job. The deal with WB is disturbing, but it will allow a lot more of their catalog to be available as an instant movie.
I just started Netflix two months ago. The $8.99 price really makes sense for the amount of movies I watch. I find I watch more movies now just because I think "well if it's a bad movie, it's not like I paid for it." As long as I find at least 2-3 a month I like. The main reason I signed up is the price point at $8.99 just makes sense. All the local video stores are $4-5 per movie. I've had 1 DVD that was badly scratched and skipped a few times. The dozen or so others I received were fine. I stream a lot of their movies/TV shows on my computers and through an Xbox.
I'm impressed with the selection of indie films netflix offers. There is a distribution center here in St.Louis, so the turn around time is very fast on the discs. I like both versions of TIJ, the original for the acting, and scenery. The remake for the action scenes and the scenery of Charlize Theron Mark
No cable TV at all...antenna in the attic. Internet via FIOS. Have had no trouble streaming Netflix...and I don't have to wash the DVDs before watching them. Have had a couple of DVDs that we received cracked and one that was lost in the mail...but Netflix took care of everything no problem. Italian Job I - wittier, more tragic (that Miura!), dare I say it: classic cliffhanger. Italian Job II - story could actually be followed, great action, Charlize Theron.
If you want to ruin your life, cue up season 1, episode 1 of the Wire, and line 'em up, episode-by-episode. Everything else in your life will become meaningless. It's that good. It's not the best television show of all time, as many have said, it's the best cinema, small or large screen, of all time.
I signed up last night. Waiting for my disk so I can stream on my PS3. Streamed to my MAC as a test. Picture quality is pretty good. Of course there was extra fee to get my disks on Blue-Ray. Did not see the option to stream in HD. Might be on the disk. Will see. P.S. Must fight the urge to watch stuff at work.
You have to buy-up to get Blu-ray discs in the mail, about $2. If they have a film in HD(Not all are) to stream I don't think there is an up-charge. It shows if available to stream in HD in the films info. Mark