New Mini owner from Austin, TX

Discussion in 'Starting Line - New Member Introductions' started by RiverCityRocker, May 22, 2014.

  1. RiverCityRocker

    RiverCityRocker New Member

    May 22, 2014
    +0 / 0 / -0
    I just bought an '05 MCS. Drove it for 3 days and about 70 miles and it broke down. It's a long sordid tale with fights with the dealer and such. It was diagnosed with a bad clutch. I just had it towed to my mechanic and he called to say that he thinks it might be the axle popped out somehow.

    In any case, I just wanted to introduce myself and I hope to be out motoring soon.
  2. eMINIparts

    eMINIparts Well-Known Member
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    +1,090 / 0 / -0
    Welcome to the coolest MINI forum on the web.............:cool:

    When it's up and running post up some pics..we LOVE pics....:cornut:
  3. rum4

    rum4 Club Coordinator
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    Aug 17, 2011
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    Welcome to m/a
  4. MCS02

    MCS02 Moderator
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    Jul 31, 2009
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    Welcome to MA! We're here to help.
  5. Dave.0

    Dave.0 Helix & RMW Powered
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    May 4, 2009
    Burbs of Philly, PA
    +14,644 / 10 / -4
    Welcome to M/A the FUN Mini site. :Thumbsup:
  6. Nathan

    Nathan Founder

    Mar 30, 2009
    Short North
    +10,069 / 0 / -0
    Welcome, thanks for joining Motoring Alliance, the FUN and Friendly MINI Community.
  7. RiverCityRocker

    RiverCityRocker New Member

    May 22, 2014
    +0 / 0 / -0
    It's not the clutch or the axle. The transmission is shot. Estimtated $3600 repair. My mechanic said he wouldn't sink that much money into an '05 MINI. That would bring the total cost to me to $9600.

    could have bought a restored '68 Camaro for that kind of money. I honestly don't know what to do. Either way I'm taking a HUGE loss. What could I realistically recoup out of that car? Maybe $1500 at most?

    I'm a freelance photographer. I don't make a lot of money. Regardless what people think Rolling Stone and SPIN pay peanuts. My agency takes 60% of my sales when I'm not on assignment for a magazine. It took me a lot of time to save up that money. I quit drinking and eating out. I used to live pretty well, but I cut back so much that I live like a miser now. And I'm flat broke. Wiped out.

    I'd rather have BURNED that money than given it to this car dealer.

    This was my FIRST foreign car and it will definitely be my last. I will not buy anything but a pre-80's muscle car or pickup truck. Gas costs be damned. At least I know I can fix it myself.
  8. AliceCooper

    AliceCooper Club Coordinator

    Mar 13, 2010
    CT Technologist
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    +123 / 0 / -0
    Personally, I would be FAR from done with that dealer.....
  9. mrntd

    mrntd Well-Known Member
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    +1,763 / 0 / -0
    Welcome Aboard!
  10. MCS02

    MCS02 Moderator
    Staff Member Articles Moderator Supporting Member

    Jul 31, 2009
    +7,958 / 10 / -3
    Is it a manual or auto? I Would start with the dealer. I know it was probably AsIs but 70 miles? thats Bull! I would let them know you are ready to report this if they are not willing to help.
    A honest dealer will help and I have no time for dishonest ones!
    Is this a big dealership or a small corner one? I know in my state if they get to many complaints they will lose there license.
  11. Stefanie

    Stefanie Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2014
    Staff Microbiologist/hematologist at UC Davis
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    +804 / 0 / -0
    I completely agree. I would be livid and the dealer would be hearing all about it until they fixed the situation. I'm sorry you're going through this.
  12. RiverCityRocker

    RiverCityRocker New Member

    May 22, 2014
    +0 / 0 / -0
    It's a 6 speed manual. The dealer knows I can't do anything about it, and he refused to help me out He kept trying to incite me to hit him. We had some words. I went back a few days later and I apologized to him. That pissed me off nut I had no choice but to suck up. I still owe him $1500. He agreed to allow me 3 payments of $500 instead of the $1500 straight away.

    He showed me the bill of sale, he charged me $650 less than he paid for it. My mechanic assured me that we wouldn't have know if the tranny was bad. The dealer is an A-hole, but I don't think he really planned on screwing me over, but he could have been more professional. If any of my clients are dissatisfied with my work I'll re-do free of charge. That's part of bring a good honorable businessman as opposed to a shady prick.:mad5:

    My mechanic is also advising me not to sink any money into what he called a piece of ****. My main problem is that I have to borrow with $3600 to fix the tranny. So I either fix the MINI and have a working car that cost twice what it's worth or buy a $3600 car which is likely to break down as well. :mad2:

    Not sure what to do, but my gut tells me to fix the stupid MINI.

    There's also a chance that it's not the transmission, but possibly the clutch plate just broke :fingerscrossed:. At this point I hope that's what happened. That will cost $1350 instead of $3600. My mechanic won't even start the job until the new tranny is in the shop. He doesn't want to tie up his lift. He said he can return the tranny if it's just a broken clutch plate. In any case even if it is the tranny I'm having new clutch put in.

    Anyway, I'll probably sell the dam car at a huge loss or trade it in and buy a proper American muscle car. That way I can fix anything on it with 2 ratchets and a screwdriver.:Thumbsup:
  13. MCS02

    MCS02 Moderator
    Staff Member Articles Moderator Supporting Member

    Jul 31, 2009
    +7,958 / 10 / -3
    I know how you feel! I've been bit by a lemon also. I bought my so a 2000 BMW FOR 5k I have put about that much work in it and I do all my own work. The only thing I did not do was repair the body where the rear sub frame was tarring away from the body. BMW payed part of it but my part was 2k. I've had the car about 2 years, now it is reliable. The point is I was where you are ether take a loss or fix it. The only way to get your money out of it is to fix it and keep it long enough to recoup your losses. That's up to you.

    I've had my S for 12 years and it's been a great car, the funniest car I have ever owned. I have owned a lot of cars. I run the stink out of it but I also take good care of it. There is no way of telling what kind of owner had the car before you. I will say the 6 speed Getrag is usually bulletproof transmission.

    Last thing I will say is that the Mini community is really great. Also the car is really addicting! Very few cars can you customize like a mini. The R53 has all sorts of mods that can be done to it. We have guys on this forum pushing 240 or 250 HP. it's not a red light runner like a muscle car, it's a carver. And man is it fun on the right roads.

    Good luck if you keep it there are lots of us on this forum that are ready to help.

    In for a penny in for a pound
  14. MCS02

    MCS02 Moderator
    Staff Member Articles Moderator Supporting Member

    Jul 31, 2009
    +7,958 / 10 / -3
    Also what part of the country do you live in? Maybe someone here can put you in touch with a local group. Also I'm not downing you shop, but does he have experience with MINIs? A good shop is worth it's weight in gold!

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