Nurburgring twin track in Vegas?

Discussion in 'Motorsports Chat & Race Preparation' started by Steve, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. Steve

    Steve Administrator
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    Apr 23, 2009
    Maryland, USA
    +3,166 / 0 / -0
    Nurburgring Race Track May Get Las Vegas Twin (
  2. quikmni

    quikmni Moderator

    Jun 6, 2009
    Aerospace Engineer
    Orcutt, CA
    +174 / 0 / -0
    That would be great. Would be a great event during AMVIV.

    I believe the German Nurburgring has a lot of crashes but that would not deter me. I can't wait for a LV Nurgurgring. However, I wonder how the American lawers and people that want to protect us from ourselves will react.
  3. goaljnky

    goaljnky New Member

    Apr 7, 2009
    LaLaLand, Left Coast, Overpopulated and Underfunde
    +394 / 0 / -0
    And if they make it work like the ring, (drive up, buy a ticket, do your laps) I know where I will be spending a lot of weekends. Just might need to buy a car and store it somewhere close.

    Que in:

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  4. Redbeard

    Redbeard JCW: because fast is fun!
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    Dec 17, 2009
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    I fully admit I'm about to be a wet blanket with my following post. Not intended as trolling or personal afront.

    It would NEVER happen at AMVIV. There is an AutoX event everytime and only 4-5 MINIs from AMVIV ever show. I was (and technically still am) a member of the Las Vegas Region SCCA. It has been a disapointing turn-out for the last 3-years.

    Besides, as a one of the few of us that tracks/autox thier MINI you know how most owners are. They are about the show and power modding. Not a negative judgment but a statement of fact. They generally aren't into racing/driving hard on a track.

    Lawyers won't really be an issue. Treat it the same as every other racetrack in the US. Burton Smith will be the real issue. I have serious doubts that this would be anything more that a pipe-dream or an off-hand comment by Burton Smith blown out of proportion.

    All that being said:

    1) If by some MIRACLE this track did get built you're damn skippy I'm gonna be there waiting to run.
    2) If #1 happens and there is a MINI event there I'll be second in line to go. Right behind you. :Thumbsup:
  5. Steve

    Steve Administrator
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    Apr 23, 2009
    Maryland, USA
    +3,166 / 0 / -0
    I'm skeptical too but it would be cool if they make it happen.

    I think the lawyers comment actually makes sense, though in this case I'd say it's because of all the trouble you have when you try to "re-purpose" that much land for something like racing.

    Couldn't call it Green Hell though or even Green Hell 2 or Green Hell West...not enough green. :D
  6. agranger

    agranger MINI of the Month June 2009
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    I think that LOTS of AMVIV folks would go, but not to run a track that they have never seen before at 10 tenths - racing speed. I'd be perfectly happy to run some nice laps at 7 tenth's and I think lots of other owners would too.

    My question is: Why does it need to be the Nurburgring foot for foot? Why can't they just do their own long track (10-20 miles), using the existing terain and scenery to their best advantage? I've played Tour 18 a few times... a golf course that replicates famous golf holes from across the world. It's interesting, but the holes don't fit right into the ground that they have to work with. It feels very contrived and forced.
  7. minimark

    minimark Well-Known Member

    Jun 24, 2009
    Winston-Salem, NC
    +1,302 / 0 / -0
    Never....and I do mean never, underestimate what Bruton Smith can pull off when and if he sets his mind to something.:biggrin5:

    ....and me thinks we might be moving to Vegas if this happens!!!!!:Thumbsup:
  8. Redbeard

    Redbeard JCW: because fast is fun!
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    Dec 17, 2009
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    +413 / 0 / -0
    It's all BLM land. Nevada is still like 85% BLM land or somthing to that effect. The Feds can be convinced to release it so long as the proper enviro-impact stuff is done and they can show a positive economic effect.

    It's the Mojave Desert. Why the qualifier? Just call it what it is: Hell. :lol:

    Yeah, I'm not a fan of Mr. Smith. He's not a very pleasant fellow and his employee like to follow that example. Will he jump at the opportunity to add to his bottom line? Heck yes. Wouldn't we all? I just don't think the profit is there for the project to actually get off the ground.

    I lived there for 10 years. Neat place so long as you aren't rasing kids and you have work. Great car community and good opportunities to race though. :Thumbsup:
  9. minimark

    minimark Well-Known Member

    Jun 24, 2009
    Winston-Salem, NC
    +1,302 / 0 / -0
    He has always been very pleasant to us when we have watched some races from the private rooftop above the Speedway Club at Charlotte where he has an office. That said, we have never done any kind of business with him, but I do know he has done a lot for that area whilst making himself a pile of money...:Thumbsup:
  10. maacodale

    maacodale Club Coordinator

    May 7, 2009
    Maaco Collision Repair & Auto Painting Center owne
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    +265 / 0 / -0
    Remember, the beauracrats around Charlotte weren't going to let Bruton build the ZMax dragstrip. He threatened to bulldoze and move the Charlotte Motor Speedway if he couldn't build the strip. I know he probably wouldn't have, but he built the dragstrip and the CMS track is still there. If he puts his mind to it, he can get it done! Besides, the Las Vegas area has been hit especially hard and that could be a great economic boost to the area. Fingers crossed on this side of the country.....
  11. minimark

    minimark Well-Known Member

    Jun 24, 2009
    Winston-Salem, NC
    +1,302 / 0 / -0
    Actually it was Concord (CMS is not in Charlotte) that tried to block the dragstrip and most don't think moving CMS was a bluff at all. Besides Concord would still be a stoplight if Bruton hadn't built the track there, so few sympathized with the
  12. ScottinBend

    ScottinBend Space Cowboy
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    May 4, 2009
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    +2,678 / 1 / -0
    I think AMVIV would be behind this in a flash. The AutoX is for most folks who go a waste of time as they can do the same thing at home, BUT the LV Nordschlief would be like a west coast MOTD.
  13. Redbeard

    Redbeard JCW: because fast is fun!
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    Dec 17, 2009
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    +413 / 0 / -0
    I respecfully disagree. :D

    MOTD is so popular because it is such a good SOCIAL event. Different groups running the Dragon at different times. BBQs, Beer drinking, Vendor displays and work being done to MINIs. You get to drive on one of the most awesome public roads in North America but it's not comepetitive. There isn't anyone with a lap timer. You can cruise and park. Then be social again. This is in NO WAY a bad thing. I wish I could go to MOTD. Seriously, I haz a sad that I'm not... :(

    A 'Ring replica would be for going fast. There would be timing of the laps. It changes the mentality. If it could be rented (at no small cost I'm sure) for a few hours for the MINIs to cruise around you might have something there... Hmmm...:cool:

    Personally, I would want to go as fast as I was capable. I would show up with my car prepped to go fast or rent a vehicle in the same condition (rent-a-racer) and drive the 'Ring like I meant it. :p

    On a slightly related note: I missed out on a trip to Germany and the Nurburgring this summer because I was saving for my wedding. My buddies all had a blast. One guy (he's a race driving instructor) rented an Exige and pulled off a mid 8 minute time with a passenger and traffic. :yikes: I do regret not going but I have my Fiancee (Soon to be wife! Less than a MONTH! :D) who understands my obsession and a passport so it's not out of the question in the future....:ihih:
  14. minimark

    minimark Well-Known Member

    Jun 24, 2009
    Winston-Salem, NC
    +1,302 / 0 / -0
    ....doubt seriously that the decision to build this will hinge on support from AMVIV. Would even venture a guess that it's not even on the radar.... Not trying to be a SA but.....LMAO

    But the track would be the attraction that could compel me to drive cross country and attend AMVIV finally!!!:cool:
  15. goaljnky

    goaljnky New Member

    Apr 7, 2009
    LaLaLand, Left Coast, Overpopulated and Underfunde
    +394 / 0 / -0
    Have to agree with minimark here. I doubt this project will hinge on demand from AMVIV attendees.
  16. N2MINI

    N2MINI MINI of the Month

    Dec 4, 2009
    Sign Maker
    Winston-Salem, NC
    +594 / 0 / -0
    Going to take alot more then a few hundred MINIs to make it profitable!!!
    The open track on the weekend would be nice BUT, someone dies almost every week on "The Ring" after the first couple died here it would be closed most likely.. I know you sign a waiver and all??? Got to tie it in with either a more realistic race track to get a series or two to run it so the 100,000 fans will show up. Then it might make money...I know it says they don't plan to do that but if it's not making money they will do whatever it takes to make money once it is there..
    It would be great, and I'd love to get out on the track but unless Bruton Smith or anyone else for that matter thinks they can make a boat load of money it won't happen..

    Wasn't the Ring just in financial trouble a couple years ago??
    Takes a lot of money just for up keep on a track that big...
  17. Redbeard

    Redbeard JCW: because fast is fun!
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    Dec 17, 2009
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    +413 / 0 / -0
    True. :lol:
  18. ScottinBend

    ScottinBend Space Cowboy
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    May 4, 2009
    Bend, OR USA
    +2,678 / 1 / -0
    You missed my point......this would simply ADD to the AMVIV experience as it would simply be another thing to do while there that can't be done someplace else. No reason that this would have to be driven at 10/10'ths, same as the Dragon SHOULD NOT be done at 10/10'ths. And AMVIV is nothing if not a great big social event that this could be a part of.

    And no the MINI presence, or lack thereof, would not be a deal killer, not sure why you thought that.
  19. Redbeard

    Redbeard JCW: because fast is fun!
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    Dec 17, 2009
    Glorified spreadsheet jockey.
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    +413 / 0 / -0
    True which is the why the idea of cruise around it make sense.

    Not sure why anyone thought I thought that. :confused: I actually never said or implied that.
  20. docv

    docv Well-Known Member
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    +280 / 0 / -0
    I can tell you one Vegas event that could benefit from a track like that and it would be SEMA, It draws nearly 300,000 to Vegas each November for just one thing, performance.
    what better way to show off your performance mods.

    I personally think it would be pretty cool experience, not sure though that you would want an exact replica, same length yes but work with the terrain you have.

    I'd pay to play....

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