I have an 06 S and am going to start doing a few mods. Here is my list and the order I THINK they should be done. Please advise if I am right wrong or missed anything. 1) "one ball" exhaust mod 2) CAI 3) 15% pulley. 4) 550cc injectors 5) ECU tunes Do I have to do 4 and 5? Also what would this bring the @hp up to? Thanks for the help in advance.
Nope. 15% pulley needs nothing but some wet wipes. A tune should be last. Not sure you gonna need injectors with just those mods.
I too am prioritizing and reprioritizing my mod list. I am committed to new tires/wheels in the spring so I will have some time (read lack of funds) before I do anything under the bonnet. With that being said, I have LOTS of time and I have found a ton of stuff about mods. I am lucky to be part of an active club here in Michigan. I read this forum almost daily and haunt the sewing site weekly. my conclusion is that if you ask five MINI drivers about mods, you will get six opinions. That I'd great because there is a huge variety in what can/shouk be done. It sucks because one can second guess their decisions until the cows come home. I am of the opinion that incremental changes allow for each increase in performance to be appreciated. All at once is fun but then what does one do next? Don't getme wrong, I unsderstand impatience. My plan is tailored to the issues with my 06 MCS. I will replace my upper, leaking motor mount when I do the pully. The lower arm inserts will be done then too. Next will be the cat back. I have a bad exhaust hanger so it gets a higher priority. The CAI upgrade will follow. After I appreciate these mods, I am considering a bump up on the injectors. There is a great thread describing the load certain sizes under increased demands from any pulley changes. Finally, I might consider a tune. But it will certainly be after I am done tweaking all the other stuff. I agree that doing a tune prior to doing all the other stuff is putting the cart before the horse. I may end up changing my priorities but it won't be for lack of ideas and information. This forum is a treasure for enthusiasts like me who have an idea of what to do but no idea of how to do it. That's my two cents, an then some. I look forward to hearing how things go with you. Cheers! Chris safe
Agreed. You might want to get larger injectors (440s or maybe 550) if you are considering a cam and big valve head in the future, so you don't have to buy injectors twice. Otherwise, 380 will give you plenty of squirt.
MINI Parts upgrades THINK http://www.motoringalliance.com/forums/mini-stuff/3901-mini-parts-upgrades-think.html The top of this list should be getting a complete engine diagnosis and related parts check before you begin adding any parts. If you have more than 60k on your engine this should be mandatory and a top priority. Adding any part that will increase the level of engine out put will also aggravate an existing and most likely unaware concern. You might also think about getting a base line Dyno pull so that you will have a more accurate before and after result of your planned power project. If you choose this try to find a neutral shop that will not be connected to anyone selling or performing any labor on your MINI. Less bias of the end results this way.
Really need to tell the ECU it has different size injectors Ben. I did a JCW flash on mine until Jan was able to tune it. It ran ok before the flash but much better afterward. PS: The Cam and header are pushing the limits of the 380s so mine will be for sale very soon, getting 450s and a remote tune!!!
NOPE, just need the pulley, belt and plugs. The ECU will adapt to a 15% pulley and the stock injectors are plenty for a 15%.
I see your point but that brings up a couple of questions for me. What effect does the increased airflow with a good CAI and exhaust flow with a low restriction cat back have? Would it not be prudent to do the tune after those mods as well given the cost of a tune? Here is the thread about injector size: http://www.motoringalliance.com/forums/engine-drivetrain/2545-bigger-better-faq-bosch-550cc-injectors-r53.html Cheers! Chris safe
If your going to get those mods too and soon, absolutley I would wait for a custom tune until they are done. I had them all before the first tune and yes the car ran OK and better than stock without a tune and injectors but in no way near as well as after the tune. With an OEM head and a 15% pulley, catback and CAI, you'll be in the power range of a JCW. Mini uses a 380 injector with the JCW kit. Add a good tune, RMW in my case and you have a great running little car!! Whenever you change injector size the ECU needs to be adjusted for them for best results. If not the ECU thinks its delivering X amount of fuel in X amount of time when in case it is not.
You've received some good advice here. You are close to Chad at Detroit Tuned. You might consider calling him or dropping by his shop to discus your mods & order of installation. Chad is a great guy & really knows his MINI's. For me it was... 15% CAI Catback next: Tune For me the 15% pulley is the biggest bag for the buck in the R53 MINI world.
As these engines get older.. the above it the first way to go.. there are a LOT of unhappy drivers out there that didnt find they had ANY issues until a mod was made.. That being said.. I think you list is great!! Just me........................................ Thumper
That "lack of funds" disease:frown2: is highly contagious in our current economic environment. I caught it a year ago and haven't fully recuperated yet. I agree 100% with your getting light weight wheels and tires. For Mini Margi, I got 14lb OZ Allegerettes and nonrunflat tires and dropped 18lbs/corner, 72lbs total,of unsprung weight. This made an incredible difference in handling,acceleration, and braking. It was like I'd done a $1,500 suspension job, a moderate engine up grade and better brake pads. I kept one of the old tires on a factory wheel which is now my spare. It sits snugly in the boot between the rear strut tower brace(purists say"It's not even close to the strut tower." Okay but the company that made it and sold it to me called it that so...........rrr and the hatch. Jason
Modding can become very addicting and if you have any inclination that you are going to want to do more than a pulley, exhaust and intake, i.e. a cam, then you should consider going larger than 380cc injectors. Plus, you really need to also consider some suspension mods as well.
An addiction for sure. But as there is a market for in good condition used injectors and that injectors do not wear out quickly, you can recoup a portion of that money when and if you decide to go further. That way you will have injectors sized for the range you have, the exact method every manufacturer from Toyota to Porsche uses. They spec injector size for the output of the engine. And for good reason....
Buying used injectors is not a good idea unless you are willing to spend the extra money and have them checked. Contacting injector manufactures can give a brief history on used injectors. Some brands and type injectors acquired for a good price can be flowed and rebuilt to there specifications including in most cases with a warranty. Save yourself the trouble and expense and buy new. Searching the web can result in too many that have wasted time and money on believed good used injectors!