That is sad. I really dislike those E cars.
Crashton Club Coordinator
That's sh@%%y news.
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Manufacturers have no idea how few motorsports fans care about that series. A ton of money is flowing into Formula E, but the whole thing is dull as heck when you're actually at one of those events. Free admission masks the level of true interest. These things are SOO slow.
Skidmarks Active Member
Similar to polls of fans showing they want v10-v12 high revving engines in F1.
This news will kill LMP1, but maybe Toyota will finally win LeMans (at least in the LMP1 class) -
Skidmarks Active Member
I'd like to see a series with wheelbase limits, and a silly amount of fuel for the distance. That will drive innovation. Is electric better than gas? Diesel? Hybrid? Want to refuel?, recharge?, who cares just be the first to finish.
Redbeard JCW: because fast is fun!Supporting Member
Never seen a Formula E race. Not super familliar.
Frankly, I don't care anyway. The hybrids were fast for sure but seeing them in action at COTA was lame. Sound is part of the race experience. Those were already too quiet. A full e-race would be like watching grass grow. -
Plus the drivers have to stop in the pits half way through the race and switch cars because their first car's battery lost its juice.
I dunno, I've seen some good races in FE, though yeah, the sound is weird at best. As for the speed, they do top out at around 140~150 at the moment but the courses are so short they generally don't often make it up that high.
I'm not as enthusiastic about it as I am other races, but time only flows in one direction. Luckily there are still classic races around.