Hey Nathan, When I post links like this: MeV Engineering and Performance I'm using the usual "earth and chain" button on the wysiwyg editor. There is no option to change the text that the link becomes - that seems to be taken from the referred-to page title. Many web pages (like all of my old stuff) have a cryptic or useless title. It would be good to have the option to specify what the displayed link text will be. of course, I may just be "doing it wrong." If so, help?
Got me on that one. looked through all the posting options and could not find a setting. I'll ask on the vBulletin site and see if this is now a "feature" of the latest version.
seems to me like it works, or I don't get what the question is. you trying to do this? where 'this' is the link? It links fine but doesn't show up a different color so people might not know it's a url until they mouse over it edit - I did that by typing the word I wanted displayed as a link, selecting it with the cursor and then clicking the button to insert the url. Is that what you mean? Just a shortcut for that?
Ah, yes, that's it. On NAM, for instance, if you don't preselect text, it opens a dialog box that asks you for the (optional) text that will appear as the link. I've gotten use to adding links that way, and didn't think to type text first and then select that to be the hypertext.
Something lead back to this and I can explain more. The two step box was done away with I think in vBulletin 3.7.x, we are on 3.8.2, the current as of this writing is 3.8.4. We didn't update as the fixes do not effect the way we use the site. As to why the link will often show as actual text instead of some thing like http://www.sitename/path/path...xyz is from a product used on M/A that rewrites links to be something someone can actually understand so long as the link has that information in it.
I have to admit, I kinda like it the way it is. Sometimes you have links that contain profanity in the URL and the site censoring software will often change those to *** and in doing so change the actual URL, with this setup it seems that the URL would be left alone and the editing only done to the text. Also, reading http://www.somerandomsite.com/morerandomness/WTFBBQ/images doesn't really tell me all that much anyways. (I swear I didn't mean for that URL to actually go anywhere but it sure does. lol)