Quick fix for hated job

Discussion in 'Classic Mini' started by BruceK, Apr 19, 2016.

  1. BruceK

    BruceK Active Member

    Feb 24, 2015
    +215 / 0 / -0
    There are some repair/maintenance jobs on a classic Mini that just suck. In that list, I would include accessing the motor mount under the radiator, and reaching the hose clip that holds on the lower radiator hose.

    Another maintenance task that sucks is drifting out the rollpin that joins the rod change gearbox to the remote shifter (had to do this recently to put a new oil seal in). It's no fun trying to swing a hammer and hit a punch to drive out the little rollpin while on your back underneath the car. I currently have a nice ugly bruise under my thumbnail while attempting this recently that came from a hammer swing that landed on my thumb rather than the punch. There are still curse words echoing in that garage.

    That prompted me to throw money at the problem and go for a quick fix. I purchased a coupling link with easy to remove spring clips instead of roll pins. Yes, this device cost a lot more than a $2 rollpin, but it is so much easier to deal with. Ever skeptical, I decided to use safety wire to ensure no road debris could force the clip off. (I really don't think that would happen, the clips feel very secure).

    The original coupling and punch is on the left, the new alternative is on the right.

    Attached Files:

  2. Minidave

    Minidave Well-Known Member
    Lifetime Supporter

    Dec 22, 2009
    Overland Park, Ks
    +5,052 / 1 / -0
    Love your red safety wire pliers!

    Now that you've done this chances are you'll never need to remove it again! :biggrin5:

    BTW, did that shifter seal fix your oil leak?
  3. BruceK

    BruceK Active Member

    Feb 24, 2015
    +215 / 0 / -0
    Why yes, those are shiny new safety wire pliers! Nothing like finding an excuse to buy a new tool. Yes, you are probably correctly, now that I've fitted a quick-release coupling, I will have zero need to ever touch it again!

    The oil leak seems to be fixed - nothing is getting past the seal - but I haven't driven the car since I fitted the seal. I've been very busy lately, so the Mini has not received much attention. I am currently in the process of fitting an electric fuel pump complete with an inertia fuel cutoff switch.

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