I was looking around for the best place to put a trailer tail light converter box, in my 2008 hatchback, and I found, behind the passenger side rear access panel, near the tail lights an unused connector. It appears to have two larger wires entering the rear (green and covered) and two smaller wires, red/blue, and brown/white, and 6 receptacles for a mating connector (two large, 4 small); can anyone tell me what the purpose of the connector is? (A great answer would be to connect to a trailer light converter box, if only you had a Deutsch xxx or a Molex yyy connector.)
It looks like a fiber optic connection.... I seem to remember the stereo amp is in that area... It could be the connector for the HK unit...
On my old R53 that cable was for a CD changer & yep it was fiber optic. I used it for my XM Direct hook up.