Hi I'm looking for inexpensive racing style harnesses they don't need to be high quality or even auto x grade I purely want them for looks wanting white if possible does anyone know of an inexpensive option again for aesthetic purposes only obviously have to be crash safe as I will use these as daily drive seat belts and easy to install thanks for the help
"Inexpensive Harnesses" = Unsafe. (<-----Emphasis on that period) You can ususally get Schroth harnesses for R53s at decent prices but depending on who you speak to they are either useful or they are dangerous. Example here: Solo Racer Schroth MINI Quick-Fit Harnesses
If you want a lightweight harness, go Schroth. It's a great affordable, easy to use system. I love it for autoX and HPDE, but my race car has a full, rated, 5 point Crow harness. Just for looks is dangerous and a waste of money.
Summit Racing has a number of options for safe and reasonably priced racing belts. Many colors, no white in the sub $100 range. Can be mounted in the same mounting location as Schloth belts are.
There is an old saying "If you have a cheap head, buy a cheap helmet". One could change that around for seatbelts too. Some of the low cost belts you see on the market are not SFI or FIA approved. This could mean a variety of things, the hardware may be substandard, the webbing may rip when stressed and who knows what not. In this case an approved product such as the Schroth could literally be the difference between life and death. We want you here on Motoring Alliance for a long time, spring for quality in this case.
Racing harnesses are designed to be installed in very specific ways. The most obvious difference is the lack of a bar to mount the shoulder belts to. MINI and BMW use an exploding latch to tighten the lap belt. Schroth are the only belts that are certified safe for driving a MINI on the street. You are likely to have belts that are not as safe as the stock pieces unless you use the MINI specific Schroth belts.