First let me say damn I hate feeling closed in given the amount of space one has to work with in tight places, I hate being upside down! Anyhow I can see the metal clip which secures the bushing (#10 in pic) and pedal onto the main shaft, I just don't understand the mechanics of how to unclip the clip so that I can slide on the new bushing. If I can just get that metal clip off I got it made if I know how to get the clip back on. I appreciate any and all assistance! Thank you, Systemlord
Is the clip shaped kind of like a round "e"? If yes, a small screwdriver can be used to get it off - stick it in an open space on the opposite side of the opening. If you are careful, it can be re-used. If it looks like the clip in the box with the 7 and 14, you need to get the top half (looking at the picture) up over the end of the shaft - then slide it off. If it is a different kind of clip, maybe you can describe it a bit. Work slow and deliberate in any case. Hope you are wearing safety glasses down in that hole. Sweaty and steamed up, but when that spring clip comes popping off... I know it is a pain, but I take the seat out when I have to work down there. Still a pain, but at least you don't subject yourself to that kind of panic you had when you were a kid stuck into a t-shirt you couldn't get off when it was up over your head just right...
There is on one side of the metal clip a perfect place to push a long flat head screwdriver, once it was wedged in there is slid right off. Sad to say that while there was a small improvement after installing the bushing there was still a lot of excess side play, so it looks like next I have to order a new clutch pedal as well. I was very close to removing my seat as well, when it comes time to install the clutch pedal I will be removing the seat from the car! I sure hope it's not the shaft itself that needs replacing because that would require the entire brake pedal assembly to be removed. Next month I'll order the pedal and update on how well it when. Thank you for assisting! Systemlord.
Hopefully the bushing protected the shaft. Looks like the brake pedal assembly is made of stouter stuff than the clutch pedal. However, that would not be like German engineering. You will need to replace the most expensive and difficult part...