Pre Migration Site Feature :: Google Search

Discussion in 'Announcements, How do I, Feedback' started by Nathan, Jun 10, 2011.

  1. Nathan

    Nathan Founder

    Mar 30, 2009
    Short North
    +10,069 / 0 / -0
    Motoring Alliance has had a Google Search function for quite some time and I just noticed I have been remiss in posting about it.

    Quite frankly the built in search function the forum software has leaves a bit to be desired, even the Advanced Search can't find stuff. It is an inherent weakness, to that end a Google Search has been added. It leverages the power of Google to search Motoring Alliance.

    Under the Search drop down is the the following:


    Note the middle entry of Google Search. Enter your search term in that center block and click Search. A Google search results page will open with only items found on Motoring Alliance.

    This will search the entire site including the Library. Makes it very easy to search for 3 letter items now as well.
  2. LosOsosS

    LosOsosS New Member

    Nov 14, 2010
    Los Osos, CA...near San Luis Obispo
    +2 / 0 / -0
    Great work Nathan!
    The Google search function should really help with questions about all things MINI such as tunes, warranties and certainly the "anyone with these wheels" questions. I cringe if I dare recall the number of hours I have spent trying to sift through NAM using its search function versus going to Google. Thanks for the post!
  3. Nathan

    Nathan Founder

    Mar 30, 2009
    Short North
    +10,069 / 0 / -0
    Even with the search if you can't find something please ask. You'll not get a "Use the search" from me.

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