So what's the word on your study of the average age of the MINI owner? If...... 45 years x 3000 = 135,000 years of knowledge..... Not too shabby
It all counts..... Think of the "G" forces on a 3 wheeler in the turns! That leads to adding camber to the two rear wheels. And so it goes..... All leading up to the MINI.
I assume you're talking about members? But I wonder where you got that number, when I open the membership list it shows 2902 as of today, did we lose a few?
There is a stats block on the right side of the home page where the number is tallied. The 2902 figure is a more accurate figure as the 3001 total in the stats block includes 67 people that have yet to complete the registration process from the verification email that is sent out and also includes 32 banned users. The vast majority of the banned users were spammers. I give the ones still waiting to complete the registration process 90 days to do so, then they fall off that listing and the account is removed.
OK...... 3000 ish......rrr: No wonder the ground shook...... There was an unbalance in the universe at the edge of the event horizon. It's all being sorted out.
You can rest easy MM, now that Nathan has the Moon in the seventh house and Jupiter is aligned with Mars. :cornut: Jim
Here ya go Jim... [ame=]YouTube - Fifth Dimension - Aquarious/ Let the Sun Shine in[/ame]