Took my 2009 Cooper to lunch today, everything worked fine. Left the restaurant and started the car only to find that the door chime did not work and the stereo would not power on and had no display. Checked the fuses in the passenger door panel, all were fine. It's at the shop now, and they are tearing into the dash. Any positive words appreciated, trying to prevent a complete meltdown at this point.
Welcome, thanks for joining Motoring Alliance, the FUN and Friendly MINI Community. Any other odd electrical issues? Is the carpet on the passenger side damp?
Welcome to M/A... When you say shop.... Would that be a shop knowledgeable in MINI's... It's best to use one that familiar with these little cars... First thing I would have checked was the condition of the battery.... original 2009... MINI's start doing funny things when the battery starts going... Especially if everything was OK and no fuses were blown.... Hope this was done before tearing into the dash...
The shop isn't Mini-specific. However I do trust them (not an easy feat), and they've worked on it before (treated me fairly and did a good job). Not sure if they checked the battery. Once I saw the dash in pieces, I burst into tears and left.