Hello everyone, been a while since I've been on here. I wanted to get my new r53 finished for a breakfast or a dinner meet but I've hit a road block and I really need the experience of a fellow mini enthusiast that works on minis and might be willing to lend me a hand tomorrow. I know my clutch has been getting ready to go out so I'm buying a valeo kit. Well the car won't start now, so I tried jump starting it, when I popped the clutch I sware it was like I slammed on the brakes. So I took the belt off, the crank will not spin. I'm not sure what to do. If u can assist me with my mini please call Shawn at 614 980 3104, I have air tools and a lift that I'm authorised to use on Sunday. My boss thinks the motor is seized up. It was driving fine when I drove it last. I'm up all night so call or text away. Any help is much appreciated. Motor on!
Ha! He's an honorary member. He's with us in spirit.... Just try and not get possessed. We don't need a MOM exorcism on our hands.
Sorry I can't help today. But I would remove the plugs then see if the crank will turn. That will remove the compression. It should turn easily. If it turns but it's hard, put a little motor oil in through the plug holes. Then turn it and see it gets easier. If it becomes easier. Ground your plug wires to the motor and run the started a little. This will work the oil against the cylinder walls and blow the rest out the holes. The it put it back together and in it starts. If it does great but still go see Best for a complete check out to see what happened to cause it. If the crank doesn't turn after you added the oil, it's froze up. That's a whole different discussion.
HA 2u2! He is REALLY into the spiritual world, my friend...he knows George Dickel, Jim Beam, Johnny Walker, and a multitude of other spirits VERRY well, indeed!:devil:
I'm wondering if something in your clutch failed causing the lock up. Generally when an engine locks up it is accompanied by loads of noise, the sounds of impending doom. My .02 is to look at the clutch. Failed flywheel jamming things up? Sorry I'm out for today. Let us know what you find. Hoping for an easy fix. :fingerscrossed:
Good suggestion Chuck. I would have just figured in neutral it's free. But if its jammed up from breakage, it's locked together.
Hey, sorry i didnt get back on here ive been super busy at work. i dislike when people dont put the solution on something like this. The next day i went into my shop and racked the car and removed the header because i had a thought that the starter might be failing. so i got to the starter by removing the factory header and undoing the starter, after i removed it the crank turned just fine. i couldnt believe that the starter did this. i had about 4 teeth worth of junk in my flywheel but i was able to clean it all out with a file. ( i did buy a valeo kit ) so when the clutch goes completelly i will change this out, probably this winter ill make it a project. but in the meantime, i got her running. the clutch isnt butter smoove like i would like it to be but it runs! ive had to put some cash into the car already, this one is a little older than my r50. it now has a 15 percent pulley, new tensioner new belt. new oil, new valve cover gasket. gp intercooler clone. msd wires,coil,mgk plugs. new fluids everywhere. still need to put the new rotors and brakes on. lowered it with coilover kit. camber kit, basically a clone of my r50. but with alot more power, i love it. i dont know why i bought a justa from the get go. i think im going to track this car and not drive it every day. hope to see everyone soon,
i was a little worried i was going to have to buy another engine. good thing, i just need to find some good struts now because the ones i put on are such a bad ride
Koni Yellows. I also suggest that you ditch the MSD coil and wires and replace them with OEM. The MSD coil has been known to fry the MINI ECU. The OEM coil and wires provide all the performance necessary for even drastically tuned MINI's. Just my $.02.