They "can't handle the truth". I changed my location information on the Sewing Site about 3 months ago to Location: On Motoring Alliance. Today when I went to the site, someone has removed my location information. I viewed it the same as the post office forwarding my snail mail; they obviously viewed it as a threat. Congrats Nathan, you've got them concerned over there!
Mark being an x-pat Canajun you're a high risk for being soft on/associating with terrorists, so they couldn't take that chance and had to act decisively :ihih:
They probably consider it as "advertising" for a competing site.......a strict no-no if you're not paying them.
I got a responce notification to a post I made some time ago. I checked it out and the moderrator was actually trying to pick a fight with me. "Delete" and so much for that. Jim
I saw that, :cornut: so far it's still up...... Edit: Oops, now that whole page with all the discussion about him being banned seems to be gone, including your post about coming to M/A, even tho it shows you as the last one to post in the thread. Stange things happening o'er there indeed......
Pretty much says it all... [ame=""][/ame]
Motor On has undoubtedly won the price for best administrator ever. I would like to give it to him personally and tell him how godly he looks when using his adMINIstrator superpowers.
You can't do either there, because most banned folks come to M/A. I refuse to talk about how much I dislike his style as an administrangler, his my excrement don't stink attitude, or the fact that as the main site admin, he screwed up a couple of accounts big time for about 2 years. But it was fun while it lasted:lol: Now it may be bellow him to read anything over here, but he finds out what we say here. So speak your mind, because ya sure as hell can't there:rolleyes5: Mark
And ya just feed the ego making him the topic of discussion here..... Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk
Well, I asked him: "What the heck happened to all of the posts that were in this thread this morning? Am I hallucinating and they were never here? What's going on?" and he got all snippy with me.
If you mean me, I can deflate his ego, he screwed up big time for 2 years, as I had full access to both the Admin & Moderators forums, which includes reported posts. Let me tell you, they have A LOT of reported posts, daily. Oh, yeah, greYrAveN or however he writes it, should be a paying vendor, not a freeloader like he is now. Mark
So I'm not the only one that noticed... If I see one more thing wrapped in fake 3M carbon fiber marked up to prices larger than the national debt on the NAM marketplace, I'm gonna lose it....