Thieves halted the traffic to steal MINI

Discussion in 'Weird MINI News' started by Nathan, Feb 4, 2012.

  1. Nathan

    Nathan Founder

    Mar 30, 2009
    Short North
    +10,069 / 0 / -0
    [IMGL][/IMGL] A COUPLE were left shocked after “brazen†thieves stole a car from their driveway in broad daylight.

    Jane Metcalfe, who lives on the A4103 Hereford Road in Storridge, near Malvern, with her partner Terry Jones, said their Mini Cooper was taken sometime between 1pm-4pm on Thursday, January 26.

    A neighbour saw three young men tow the car away towards Malvern after dragging it down the property’s gravel drive.

    Two of them were in a royal blue Peugeot, with the other sat in the Mini.

    The car, which was registered as off the road, is a limited edition, lowered green Mini Cooper with matching leather interior and personalised registration plate of RPB74R.

    Ms Metcalfe said: “We were shocked.

    “You don’t expect people to be so brazen about it and do it at that time of the day so blatantly.

    “It would be nice to see it again but I doubt if we will.

    “There are always people passing along the road every single day. My neighbour said it was about 4pm when she came home and saw them pull it off the drive.

    “She actually waited for them to pull it off so she could get onto her drive.

    “She thought ‘Jane has sold the Mini’. Apparently they stopped the traffic.â€

    She estimates the car could be worth £2,000-3,000 or about £6,000 if it was done up.

    As well as raising awareness of the theft on internet forums and local groups, the couple have placed a sign outside their home appealing for witnesses to call Mr Jones on 07583 423309.

    West Mercia Police is appealing for anyone who may have seen the car being towed away or anywhere else in the Malvern area.

    Anyone with information should call police on the non-emergency number 101, quoting incident 527s26/01/12, or call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.
  2. ronnie948

    ronnie948 New Member

    Sep 9, 2009
    Daytona Beach, Florida
    +36 / 0 / -0
    I guess it is going on everyplace in the world.

    It should be the death penalty to steal a car but all the thieves get is a slap on the wrist and turned loose.

    Here in Florida they steal front wheel drive cars with one of those slick tow trucks that just back up and lift the front wheels. Thirty seconds and gone. They can stop and strap it down when they are out of sight.

    If I go to the Mall or the Movies I always pull into the spot. I try to have a pole or a curb protecting my front wheels from being lifted.

    I never back into a slot anymore because of this.

    I really do believe that all car thieves should be executed. No appeal or no second chance given.

  3. Crashton

    Crashton Club Coordinator

    Jun 4, 2009
    Retired old fart
    Hooterville Ohio USA
    +11,673 / 2 / -0
    So sad..... My guess is the thieve's are probably going to put the Peugeot's engine in it & sell it as an R56. So sad..... :wink:
  4. Minidave

    Minidave Well-Known Member
    Lifetime Supporter

    Dec 22, 2009
    Overland Park, Ks
    +5,054 / 1 / -0
    They didn't say what year it was did they? My guess is that it was a Classic since it had "off road" reg and was only worth a few thousand pounds.
  5. Crashton

    Crashton Club Coordinator

    Jun 4, 2009
    Retired old fart
    Hooterville Ohio USA
    +11,673 / 2 / -0
    I'm thinking it was a classic too Dave.

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