Top Gear America - Season 3

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Nathan, Aug 26, 2012.

  1. Nathan

    Nathan Founder

    Mar 30, 2009
    Short North
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    I didn't realize till I was looking at what I had on the DVR the other night that Season 3 of Top Gear America had started. Being there was nothing on TV as usual and I had enough of being in front of the PC I watched it.

    1st off, watching this show on the DVR is the only way, commercial breaks are way to long and when they come back they spend a minute or so recapping the last segment. Am I really that stupid that I forgot what they did 5 minutes ago and need a recap or are they filling space due to lack of decent materiel. We'll never really know...

    Anyway, the premise was taking a small car, think Fiat 500 and smaller and running around Louisiana. From the French Quarter to the Swamp.

    As a group they are getting better with chemistry aspect, now if only they did stuff I wanted to see.

    Oh well, we'll see how the season progresses.
  2. drabdub

    drabdub Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2009
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    San Jose, CA
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    I haven't watched any of the previous seasons but I may check it out
  3. ljmattox

    ljmattox Active Member

    Dec 28, 2011
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    #3 ljmattox, Aug 27, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2012
    +1, I wish their concept segments did more with cars I'm interested in, less with $500-1000 "challenge" vehicles: buy 3 old POS's and have them do something "entertaining". Rather: get a contemporary car or two and pit them against one another, lap times on a track, something.

    The chemistry with the hosts has gotten better, now it's just the content that could stand some tuning.

    Ah yes, the back-from-break "recap"...that carryover from days when folks viewed live broadcasts, and may have just channel-surfed over during commercial break from another show. Annoying when DVR-ing, for sure.

    While we're at it: local news programs. News, weather, sports. Used to be presented in segments. Now: all intermixed, with each talking head "teasing" throughout the 30-minute show what they'll actually tell us, when they get around to it, just "stay tuned". My fingers itch for throats everytime.
  4. davisflyer

    davisflyer New Member

    May 23, 2012
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    Yeah, chemistry is getting better, but I'm tired of the dumbed down content.....
  5. Crashton

    Crashton Club Coordinator

    Jun 4, 2009
    Retired old fart
    Hooterville Ohio USA
    +11,683 / 2 / -0
    This show still looks like the elementary school version of the real thing. Last show had double decker car racing just like the real show has done. Maybe they need some writers.

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