2nd Gen R56 Cooper S Most liked posts in thread: Water Pump Recall - Parts Now Available

  1. keldro

    keldro New Member

    Dec 28, 2011
    See above!
    Nashville area
    +0 / 0 / -0
    Haven't received letter yet but just :frown2:called MINI of Nashville and was told I had to wait on the letter.
  2. Zapski

    Zapski Well-Known Member

    May 4, 2011
    Columbus, OH
    +938 / 0 / -0
    Took mine in for the 60,000 mile service, and MAG did the pump too. Just so's the MoMs know.
  3. motodad307

    motodad307 New Member

    Oct 10, 2010
    Paris, Ohio
    +22 / 0 / -0
    Classic MINI emailed me and told me to schedule an appointment.


    Your MINI is involved in a recall campaign to replace an auxiliary water pump. If you have any questions and to schedule an appointment

    Please call our service department at 440-585-9970

    *If you have received this email and have scheduled an appointment please disregard.

    Thank you,

    Classic MINI
  4. Jason Montague

    Jason Montague New Member
    Lifetime Supporter

    Jan 5, 2010
    Physician Assitant (retired)
    +1,588 / 0 / -0
    :cornut: Thanks. That explains 'the no letter' and the 'all too soon' service call on my Tach since the last service session.:Thumbsup:

  5. Redbeard

    Redbeard JCW: because fast is fun!
    Supporting Member

    Dec 17, 2009
    Glorified spreadsheet jockey.
    Austin, TX
    +413 / 0 / -0
    I stopped by MINI of Monrovia and they were fine with taking care of the recall. Letter or no letter. I'm waiting until after this next paycheck so I can get some other work done at the same time.
  6. jimd

    jimd New Member

    May 19, 2009
    +2 / 0 / -0
    Water pump recall

    My dealer in Cincinnati called me to set up an appointment, in and out 2hrs with car wash. Very happy!
  7. BRG_Paul

    BRG_Paul Active Member

    Nov 20, 2011
    Turbomachinery Engineer
    York, PA
    +184 / 0 / -0
    Sitting at MINI of Baltimore County....waiting for my car to be done... ~ hour and a half job... Glad its done.
  8. Crashton

    Crashton Club Coordinator

    Jun 4, 2009
    Retired old fart
    Hooterville Ohio USA
    +11,686 / 2 / -0
    Wow that is fast. I bet the tech's are getting good at swapping them out. Glad your getting yours done. :Thumbsup:
  9. Redbeard

    Redbeard JCW: because fast is fun!
    Supporting Member

    Dec 17, 2009
    Glorified spreadsheet jockey.
    Austin, TX
    +413 / 0 / -0
    A sad truth...

    Reminds me of the 4.6L V8 fiasco with Ford. They had a plastic coolant crossover that would eventually fail, crack, and pee coolant all over the block. It effected EVERY 4.6L 2V V8 from 1996-2002. In 2003 the changed the crossover to aluminum. Replacement meant replacing the entire intake manifold. I saw some techs get it down to under thirty minutes start to finish. :eek6:
  10. Crashton

    Crashton Club Coordinator

    Jun 4, 2009
    Retired old fart
    Hooterville Ohio USA
    +11,686 / 2 / -0
    Flat rate Tech's have to move fast to make money. Apparently they have figured out the shortcuts. :wink:
  11. BRG_Paul

    BRG_Paul Active Member

    Nov 20, 2011
    Turbomachinery Engineer
    York, PA
    +184 / 0 / -0
    MINI has gotten this down to a fine science. At first they were putting the car in service mode.. Now they just pull the CAI box out and go in from the top. Much faster.
  12. pre shrunk

    pre shrunk New Member

    Dec 12, 2010
    E. Tn., very near "the snake".
    +2 / 0 / -0
    recall what recall ?

    My 2011mcs has yet to be notified,even tho I called them when it was known.
  13. old81

    old81 Club Coordinator
    Lifetime Supporter

    May 4, 2009
    Used to work making computers run fast!
    Louisville, Colorado
    +1,731 / 5 / -0
    So quick question, has anyone seen a letter from MINIUSA on the recall?

    I am taking in the Countryman to our South dealer on the 28th, some other work needs to be performed and they said they would do the aux-pump at that time.

    So good to go on the CM, it was on their internal list of affected 2011s.

    I will take the 07 MCSa in for an oil change in March/April, then they will do the aux-pump at that time, it was on the list of course.

    But no letters at our house. :fingerscrossed:

    I think the dealers are handling it well, not sure if MINIUSA is being proactive.

  14. john171

    john171 Club Coordinator

    Jun 13, 2010
    +1 / 0 / -0
    Had mine done at MINI of Baltimore on Feb 7th, folks there were great, took just over an hour. I had called before the letters went out, and though it took a bit to convince them, they looked up my VIN and scheduled me.
    Now when the car is shut down, I can now hear the pump pushing coolant through the turbo after a spirited run, had not heard that for a while! :biggrin5:
  15. TurbineMD

    TurbineMD New Member

    Jan 14, 2012
    US Navy Chief
    Lake Stevens, WA
    +0 / 0 / -0
    Happier than I thought I would be.

    Good morning MA,
    I am a new MINI addict. I had a few friends with some older MINI's and a few JCW's so after reading some reviews and needing a replacement with better gas milage for my loved 940 Turbo station wagon, I started looking at MINI's. I ended up getting a 2008 S Clubman and love it. I still have the factory warranty until April so talking to Darren at Seattle MINI he suggested I get the mid level annual oil change with inspection so I can get my MINI looked over before the warranty runs out. I do most of my maintenance myself. I am a mechanice in the Navy with almost 20 years now so Im not real keen on other people working on my car. (Nobody loves your car more than you!) But I scheduled the appointment to get the inspection and oil change. Well, the I heard about the recall and Darren from Seattle MINI recommended signing up with MINIUSA to get on the recall list. The videos of MINI's ablaze made me very nervous about my first MINI purchase. I called MINIUSA about the recall and they showed my MINI was on the list and said letters would get sent out after all the dealers had the pump replacements in stock. They also said that some dealers would start doing the recalls before the letters come out if they had the parts because they could see the affected cars in their database. So I called Seattle MINI again to see if they would do the recall when I brought the car in for an oil change. They said if the parts were in stock, they would get it done. I made my appointment for about 3 weeks out and during the wait my MINI got the "Death Rattle" under the hood for the second time. Great, now I am really getting nervous about my MINI. The noise went away again and I was very worried that they could not fix what they could no hear when I took it in for service and after my warranty expires, my timing chain and tensioner would go. Read TSB#110206 I believe. So I took my MINI S Clubman which I am becoming very attached to to Seattle MINI for his oil change and recall work and to get a factory alarm installed. Rachel who worked at the desk seemed more than happy to make sure my MINI dealership and service experience was a good one. I got a loaner S Convertable with automatic and now my wife wants a Cooper S with auto but not the convertable which has a bad blind spot on passengers side rear. So she is now addicted. While in service for the oil change inspection and recall work, they did identify that I needed a new timing chain and tensioner and added the work to the list so now it is covered under warranty. I am sorry this is so long but I really wanted to says thatnks to Darren and Rachel and the rest at Seattle MINI for making this one of the best dealer experiences I have had. Too bad it has been raining here the whole time they let me borrow the drop top. Well, it is the PACNORWEST. So far, I am very pleased with the folks down there and that is a good thing since we do not have many options for MINI dealers in this area. So thanks Seattle MINI for welcoming me to the MINI experience and hopefully, this is the end of TSB's and recalls for these models.:beer

    UNCLERICH46 New Member

    Nov 19, 2010
    +0 / 0 / -0
    I had my recall service done yesterday at Prestige Mini in N.J. It took about 90 minutes. I never received a notice in the mail, dealer called last week and said they had the parts in and wanted to know if I wanted to make an appointment to get the recall done. All seems to be well.
  17. ronnie948

    ronnie948 New Member

    Sep 9, 2009
    Daytona Beach, Florida
    +36 / 0 / -0
    I got my letter

    I called my dealer in Orlando and my appointment is for March 13Th. at 7:30am

    The letter said not to park my car in the Garage until this recall is done. Little red has always been parked in my Garage unless I'm traveling. I'll probably still park it inside.

    The letter also said the parts could be changed in about an hour. I'll just wait for it to be done.

    From what I have been reading and hearing only seven cars out of the 89,000 produced have caught fire. Even seven of seven is to many.

    I once had a Ford Escort GT hat caught fire as I was driving. It was a small switch that caused the problem. They did recall the cars a year later. I was lucky because a guy in a truck next to me had a fire extinguisher in his truck to put out an electrical fire. Very Little damage to my car. I got rid of the car shortly after because I did not feel comfortable parking it in my garage.
  18. grayghost

    grayghost New Member

    Jan 21, 2012
    +1 / 0 / -0
    re water pump recall

    About a week ago I received a recall regarding the water pump. But it didn't specify the recall being for my '08 S hatch which I traded back in Oct, or on my new 2012 JCW Coupe. I contacted MINIUSA & their records showed the recall was for my traded '08 S hatch.
    So they removed my ownership from that car from their database. They said that the recall 'currently' doesn't include the 2012 S & JCW models but couldn't say if those models have corrected changes in that water pump compared to the 2011 & earlier models.
    I noticed that the fan run-on after turning the ignition off is 'much' longer on my '12 JCW Coupe than it was on the '08 S hatch...even during these cooler months. So will wait & see if the 2012 has a recall. My dealership couldn'd give me any further info.
  19. Jason Montague

    Jason Montague New Member
    Lifetime Supporter

    Jan 5, 2010
    Physician Assitant (retired)
    +1,588 / 0 / -0
    :cornut: Last week I went in for a routine service call at Mini Of Dallas. "Yes Jason,(Alex the service associate knows my name before I hit the door and gives me a 'high five') we'll be happy to take care of the 'recall fix' while you're here. No we don't need to see the letter. You're already in the computer. It might be an extra 30min. Will that be okay?" No muss, no fuss. Out the door in 2 shakes of a lamb's tail after stuffing myself with chocolate and banana nut muffins washed down with gourmet coffee while watching every TV channel known to God and man. Mini of Dallas is a class act with great people.:Thumbsup:

  20. hotrod5a

    hotrod5a New Member

    Jan 27, 2012
    +2 / 0 / -0
    Water pump

    waiting on notice for my water pump ,I purchased my 20011 s from Chev dealer here in Anniston i'm the second owner Had 24,000 miles love it runs like a Hot Rod i'v heard some of you say it may be longer for second owners to get notice
    I 'm calling a mini dealer in Birmingham see if we can get started on my Baby

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